Chapter 7

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Wayne manor

It was nighttime when Diana was laying on a couch in the living room, and Damian was sitting on the floor with Titus. He was giving the dog some affection and feeding him dog treats.

Diana: Man I miss the Graysons already, they were all very nice!

Damian: Tt, it's only been two days since they're gone! They'll be back.

Diana: It's okay, at least I still get to be around you and I'm actually enjoying your company.

She laughed awkwardly and smiled at Damian, which made him think that Diana is being cheesy right now. Suddenly, they saw Bruce walking by, with the intention of leaving the manor. His hair was neat, and he was wearing fancy clothes.

Diana: Oh la la, you look good dad!

He turned around to approach the twins.

Bruce: Really? Thank you. *faintly smiles*

Damian: Where are you going father?

Bruce: I'm invited for dinner by someone.

Diana didn't seem to mind, but Damian raised his eyebrow when Bruce said that.

Diana: Alright then, hope you have fun!

Bruce: Thanks Diana. I gotta go now, take care of yourselves!

With that, Bruce left the manor, and Damian had thoughtful thoughts.

Damian: Tt, yeah sure, we aren't a bunch of five year olds.

He rolled his eyes in annoyance and it only made Diana laugh.

Damian, doubtfully: I feel like he's going out with that woman.

Diana, confused: Which woman?

He didn't say anything for a few seconds and eventually he sighed.

Damian: Not too long before we knew about you, I've noticed that father was spending a lot of his time with that woman lately. I think he went on a date with her.

She raised her eyebrows and blinked a bit.

Diana: What's her name?

Damian: It's Selina Kyle.

Diana: Aha... I don't know who that is. Do you like that woman or not?

Damian: Well, I don't approve of that relationship at all.

Diana, in shock: Wait, they're dating already?!

Damian: Maybe, or maybe not. There's one way to find out.

Diana: Which is?

He petted Titus's head for the last time before he stood up and took a deep breath.

Damian: Come with me, and do as I say!

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