Chapter 5

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The stars and the moon were shining bright on a quiet night. Dick and Tim were out as Nightwing and Red Robin, jumping from a building to another. Eventually they've reached a random rooftop and they landed there.

Dick: I just hope she doesn't want to talk about Diana.

They've suddenly heard Talia's voice out of nowhere, as she jumps over from another building saying "bingo".
She walked towards the two men as soon as she landed and grabbed a letter from her jacket then gave it to Nightwing.
He unfolded it and read it out loud:

To miss Al Ghul, I have some very important news for you.

Your daughter is still alive. I've heard that Bruce is heading out to New York to meet her, along with Jason and Damian.
As soon as I knew this, I wrote this to you in case it still matters to you at all. I had to send someone else instead of me because I'm too busy with my work lately.

One of your loyal allies.

Nightwing and Red Robin looked at each other in disbelief and Talia has just frowned.

Talia: Where is she?

Tim, defensively: Do you seriously expect from us to tell you? We won't let you hurt her!

Talia: Oh I'm so scared! How would you protect a girl that you've never even met yet from me?

Tim: Don't pretend you care about her, she's too innocent for your crap.

Dick: I doubt she knows anything about you, so what would she even do to you? Besides we don't understand why you wanted to kill her in the first place!

Tim: Yeah, according to Jason you had no valid reason for wanting to kill her.

Talia: Tt, it's none of your businesses, and I won't waste any more time on your pathetic asses because I've just wanted confirmation.

With that, she jumped out of the rooftop to another one quickly. Red Robin was about to fight her, but Nightwing held him back.

Tim, angrily: Why are you stopping me?! We can't let her go just like that, we have to protect Diana at all costs!

He put his hand on Tim's shoulder to calm him down.

Dick: Please calm down Tim. I'm equally as worried about Diana as you are, but I'm sure that Bruce and the others can protect her if we just inform them about this.

Tim: We could stop her right here so she doesn't mess around later!

Dick: Yeah, we will stop her for sure, but also she'll eventually find her way to Diana anyway so we gotta let the others be prepared for this just in case anything happens.

Tim: *sighs* Alright then.

Room 27

Bruce, Damian and Jason were assembled in the room on that night, watching some news but Damian was on his phone. Bruce's phone has suddenly vibrated, showing that Dick was calling and he swiped to the left to answer seconds later.

Bruce: What is it Dick?

Dick's echo: It's urgent, Talia is aware that Diana is still alive!

Bruce, sternly but worryingly: What happened?

He muted the TV and turned the speaker on so Jason and Damian could hear. Dick has just explained the entire story of how Talia got to visit the manor and how they eventually met her later and talked about Diana.

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