Chapter 19

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Warning: mention of sex for a bit, but there won't be any sexual acting.

── ・ 。゚☆ .☽ . ☆゚. ──

The same day as the previous chapter..

The hospital

Bruce and Diana have arrived at the hospital by car, the place where Veronica was staying that day.

The two of them went inside the hospital's building hastily after parking the car.

After confirming himself to the receptionist, he went to Veronica's room afterwards along with Diana.

As soon as the two have arrived, they found Veronica laying in bed. There was also a young brown haired nurse that was taking care of her.

To their relief, Veronica turns out to be alive.

The woman was sitting in her bed, and the nurse was assuring her that everything will be alright.

Nurse: Oh, here they are!

Diana has wrapped her arms around Bruce while crying out of happiness for seeing her mother alive.

The man put his hand on Diana's back, while faintly smiling.

Diana: God has responded to my prayers! Praise the lord for her survival!

Veronica's was confused by everything at that time, and she wasn't responsive at all.

Nurse: Please keep in mind that  we've called you the moment she got her consciousness back. That being said, she'll be confused for a while, so please be easy on her and show her your love and support!

Diana later split up from her father's hug, and she walked closer to Veronica.

The girl's eyes were still in tears, but she wiped them out and she stroked her mother's hair afterwards.

Diana: How are you feeling, mom?

Veronica didn't say anything, but she showed apparent expressions of relief by faintly smiling.

Diana: God bless this smile.

Her tears kept coming out of her eyes, and she kept wiping them out.

Bruce also came close to Veronica, and he gently squeezed her hand.

Bruce: Don't worry, Veronica. Everything will be fine.

Her eyes were wide at first, but slowly her facial expressions were morphing into relief.

Bruce: You're not alone. We're here with you.

He pat on her hand before letting it go.

Diana: So, when can we take her back home?

Nurse: She still needs to stay here for a while.

Diana: Oh, alright. And what should we do to her while she recovers?

Nurse: You should talk to her about nice things, let her listen to her favorite music, and let her watch anything lighthearted. Don't overwhelm her, and be easy on her!

Diana: Will do! *smiles*

Wayne manor

Damian came back after a while from walking around with his dog Titus.

He removed the collar from his dog's neck, and he let him go afterwards.

Then he untied his shoes, and wore slippers instead. Thereafter, he went to the living room, to only find Selina chilling there while watching TV.

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