Chapter 8

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WARNING: There'll be some blood, but for only a short period of time.

─── ・ 。゚☆ .☽ . ☆゚. ───

The jail's canteen

For the prisoners, it was time for dinner. They all had to wait in a row to get their food, including Talia, which was dry rice with cooked veggies and some bread.
When Talia finally got her turn, she looked at the food in disgust after she got her food on her tray.

Talia: Yikes, why is garbage served here?

She threw her tray out violently, and the other prisoners agreed with her and they threw their food too, others have even started food fighting.
Talia then went behind the buffet table and tortured the cafeteria man like to give him a punch and a kick on his stomach.
The guards have arrived a while later, to deal with this mess.


Damian was in his Robin uniform, walking around the batcave with Diana to show her what they have. Eventually, they stopped by the batcomputer which got Diana fascinated when she looked at it.

Diana: Wow.. I've never seen something so advanced in my life!

Damian: Tt, you call this advanced? I've seen more advanced technology than the batcomputer before.

Diana: That's nice, but remember that I lived a simpler life than yours.

Suddenly, they've heard the alarm of the jail and the footage of the chaos has popped up on the screen. The twins looked at each other for a second and then focused on the footage.

Diana: What is going on?! Why are the prisoners yeeting their food?!

Damian: Tt, that's just prison food! Don't worry about it.

Diana: Wasting food breaks my little heart. They should be ashamed of themselves for wasting their food like this!

Damian, annoyed: Are you seriously focusing on the minor matters?!

Diana: Ugh, whatever!

She rolled her eyes and looked at the footage again. Talia was now trying to free herself from the guards grips by kicking them and then she ran off. Other guards have noticed her on the way and they chased her, that's until Batman jumped from the top a while later.
The guards started shooting at Batman, but he grabbed Talia by her waist immediately and disappeared shortly after with Talia in his grip.

Diana: Uh.. Where is he taking her?

Damian: Tt, how am I supposed to know?

Diana: I guessed you might have a clue. I find it weird that he's taking her, especially since he's interested in Selina now.

At this moment, a pop up has appeared where Batman and Talia were now sitting inside the batmobile. Diana's eyes went wide and she ran away from the screen just so Talia doesn't see her.

Damian: What is she doing with you father?!

Bruce's echo: I'll get her to the batcave.

Damian, scowling: Are you serious?!

Talia: Why are you complaining?

Damian, scowling: Why does it matter, mother?

Bruce: Robin, prepare the cage.

Talia, furiously: Bitch wh..

Batman has ended the call, and then Robin walked toward his frightened sister.

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