Chapter 17

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WARNINGS: kidnapping and mentions of self harm.

─── ・ 。゚☆ .☽ . ☆゚. ───

Same day as the previous chapter...

The batcave

After Damian has alerted the others about Diana's disappearance, they've all assembled together and watched the footage that was captured by the batcave's monitor.

On the footage, it was shown that Diana was crying at the sight of Veronica from the batcomputer, and she felt the vibrance of the staff a little bit later. As soon as she touched it, she vanished right away.

Everyone was genuinely worried about her now.

Jason: Ellie literally came here because of Diana. I don't want her to worry about her best friend!

Dick: We won't tell her. I asked Mar'i and Jake to keep her occupied as much as they could.

Damian: Forget about Ellie. How are we going to bring Diana back?

Inside a ruined building

Diana was laying on the ground for a moment, but she got her consciousness back not too long later.

She rubbed her head, then she looked at everything around her.

The place was eerily dark, which horrified her a lot.

It also weirded her out since she remembers it was noontime just a few moments ago, and she also didn't recognize the area at all.

Diana: Jesus Christ! What happened?

She grabbed her Samsung galaxy S4 from her pocket to use the flash for some light.

As soon as she turned it on, she saw that half of the phone screen was heavily cracked. Luckily though, it was still functional.

The girl was upset that the screen broke, but she sighed out of relief since it was still working.

Diana: Ah right, the staff!

Just seconds after searching, she found the black staff laying on the floor. She pick it up and put it on her pocket.

Then she tried to call for help, but there was no signal.

Diana, in hopelessness: Oh come on! How am I going to seek for help now?

Diana had no other choice, but to keep on going.

Moments have passed, and later she heard some intense fighting noises from the outside.

She froze in place, as that has frightened her a lot.

The noises were getting louder and louder, which made her turn around and search for a place to hide.

Eventually, she hid herself under a covered table and turn off her flash right away.

Not too long after she hid herself however, some footsteps were getting louder and louder close to her.

"Are you sure you saw someone here?" asked a young man.

"Yes, I saw a girl hiding under this table." spoke another young man.

"We need to get her out of here!" insisted a young woman.

Diana has panicked a lot after hearing those voices, and tears fell out of her eyes.

Some lights were shed under the table, and the three vigilantes have lifted the cloth up to reveal the scared teenager.

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