Chapter 14

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Warning: there will be some bloody things going on.

─── ・ 。゚☆ .☽ . ☆゚. ───

The living room

The teenage girl was assembled with her brothers that day, discussing about family while they're all sitting on separate couches.
Tim was showing Diana an old image of himself with his parents and the flying Graysons together.

 Tim was showing Diana an old image of himself with his parents and the flying Graysons together

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Diana: So that's how you met! You two were so adorable as little children!

She squeaked a bit, not being able to resist the cuteness surrounding the image.

Tim: Haha, thank you! *smiles*

She took the image and stared at it for a while, and then gave it back to Tim.

Diana: And now you're actually brothers. That's one of the most wholesome coincidences I've ever seen!

Dick: Indeed. Who knew that we'd be eventually a family one day?

The telephone suddenly rang, and Alfred showed up from the another room to answer it.

Alfred: Wayne manor, Alfred here. Who's with me?

"Hello Alfred! It's me, Kenneth. We're finally in Gotham!" echoed the phone.

Alfred: Oh, hello sir! Thanks for letting me know. Miss Diana will be very happy to see you again!

Kenneth's echo: Likewise! See you in a few minutes.

Alfred: See you, sir.

With that, the butler has closed the line and went to continue whatever he was doing.

Outside the manor

Ten minutes later...

Kenneth was driving inside the gray car, and Veronica was sitting next to him. Thanks to the GPS device, he was able to easily find the place he's meant to go to.

The gates got opened shortly after, and he drove inside.

As soon as he parked the car in the parking spot, he got out of the car along with his wife.

Quickly enough, they found Diana with Alfred and her brothers from a short distance walking toward them.

At that moment, Diana has noticed them too.

Diana, excitingly: You're finally here!

She ran toward them with her arms being wide open. The couple also opened their arms, and soon formed a group hug with her.

Veronica: We missed you so much, my darling.

Diana, muffled: I miss you too.

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