Chapter 6

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One week time skip from the last chapter...

The hotel room

On a quiet evening, Diana was left alone with Jason and Damian in their hotel room. Damian was preparing to call Dick on Skype on his laptop and he waited for an answer. As soon as Dick has answered, he appeared on the screen with Tim sitting on a couch as well.

Diana: Hello brothers!

Dick's echo: Hey guys!

Tim's echo: Hello little sister!

Diana was waving at the two young men and they waved at her back.

Dick's echo: How are you doing Diana? I hope you're doing better!

Diana: Well, it took lots of reassurances from everyone to get me feel better. I'm alright now.

Damian, whispering: Mostly from me...

Jason and Diana have chuckled at Damian.

Diana: Yeah, poor Damian had to go through hearing my screams on every midnight he spent with me. I've had horrible nightmares and it got me traumatized. But Damian is a good brother, he did his best to cheer me up!

She patted Damian's shoulder and smiled at him.

Diana: I can tell you've been really patient with me. I truly appreciate it!

Damian: Sister, it pains me as well that our parents aren't married. Honestly I wish we were all together.

He sighed deeply and looked at the floor. Dick, Jason and Tim were very sad to see their youngest siblings heartbroken about their parents.

Jason: I know that pain very well, I went through it too.

Dick's echo: I understand how it feels like to be in a dysfunctional family, but unfortunately it's nothing new. At least your parents aren't dead though, I miss mine so much.

Tim's echo: Me too. I've always been thankful for having my parents.

The young men have sighed deeply and they were about to cry, and so did Diana.

Diana: I'm very sorry for all of your losses.

"Thank you" said all three guys in unison, and it became awkwardly silent for a few seconds.

Tim's echo: Anyway, what do you think of Damian? Are you getting along with him?

Diana: Damian is a little mean to me and he sometimes gets on my nerves, but he's also lovable in a way, eheh.

He gave her the "really sister?" look and it made everyone laugh.

Tim's echo: Hahaha, that's the typical Damian. He's like that with everyone, don't take it personally.

Jason: Haha yeah, he's like that with us as well.

Damian gave Jason and Tim the "I'm going to kill you" look and they just laughed more.

Dick's echo: I'm glad to hear that you find him lovable, because he really is. What about you Dami? How do you feel about your twin sister?

Damian got surprised and he raised an eyebrow.

Damian: Did you just say that you find me lovable?

Diana got surprised at Damian's facial expressions.

Diana: I mean, by far we're getting along most times, aren't we? Eheh.

Damian: Yeah, but you're somewhat annoying too.

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