Chapter 15

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WARNING: extreme violence, abuse, gore, and death

─── ・ 。゚☆ .☽ . ☆゚. ───

Same day as the previous chapter

A diner

Jason has just arrived to the diner that day on his own.

He became delighted as soon as he found his friend sitting in the corner of the bench, waiting for him.

He walked toward the young ginger haired man, and sat next to him.

Jason: What's up man! It's been a while.

Roy: Long time no see, buddy!

They greeted each other by a quick bro fist.

Jason: Yeah, life has been crazy for me. What about you?

Roy: Nothing too exciting was going on.

"Hey, could you make the TV a bit louder please?" shouted a man in concern, and soon everyone's attention went to the large television that was on the wall.

"Urgent news! Gotham city is under chaos again, under the influence of the infamous Joker gas. Thousands of people are poisoned everywhere, and are acting like maniacs. It is heavily advised to stay at home!" spoke the reporter on TV, which made everyone panic and go nuts.

"Fucking damn it, I can't even enjoy my time with my best friend!" hummed Jason furiously. His blood was boiling, and at the same time he was concerned about Diana and her parents since he knew that they were out in the park together.

Meanwhile, Roy has grabbed the closest two pans that he found behind the bar, and he used them to make a loud noise to get everyone's attention.

Roy, yelling: Hey, hey, people of Gotham! I need you all to shut the hell up and listen to me!

Everyone stopped screaming at that moment, and their attention were attracted to Roy.

Roy: Everything is going to be fine. Just stay here inside and don't try to get out!

Waitress: Yeah. Everyone, let's hide in the kitchen. We should stay safe there!

Everyone followed their orders, except for one man and Jason.

Man: You don't tell me where to go or what to do, stranger. I have to go and get my daughter from Gotham's public library!

Roy: Listen here puny hulk. When you go out, you risk your and your daughter's life. Stay here and keep everyone safe, alright? I'm sure she'll be protected by the library's employees.

Before the man even got the chance to talk back, Roy got out of the diner in a rush and he rode his motorcycle.

Man: Teh, as if he isn't risking himself by going out now. What an idiot.

He took a deep breath out of annoyance, and went to hide with the rest.

Jason was gone too.

A warehouse

Veronica woke up a few moments later, and she found herself stuck in an unknown warehouse with the unconscious teenage girl. Both of them were tied in tight ropes on two separate chairs.

Helpless and horrified, Veronica started sobbing.

Somewhere in Gotham

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