Chapter 10

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WARNING: mention of sex
nothing sexual happens though

─── ・ 。゚☆ .☽ . ☆゚. ───


A street

The chaos of Blüdhaven was finally put to the end thanks to Nightwing and his allies and old best friends, the Titans. It was the middle of the night, as the team was heading to Grayson's residence after a long exhausting week of fighting against many foreign aliens. They even brought a little star-shaped alien creature with them as well.

Garfield: Dude, Jarro is such an adorable alien! I wish we could keep him.

Jarro: I'll stay with you for now, but unfortunately I'll have to leave soon.

Garfield, in disappointment: Oh man, why can't you stay?

Jarro: I have my own life on my own planet, I can't just abandon it.

Kori: It's okay little one! Enjoy your time on earth while you're still here.

Jarro: Thank you.

The star-shaped alien was expressing joy through his eyes, which made everyone's hearts melt.

Victor: Man I'm glad we're done. Can we get some food?

Dick: Of course, I have enough food for all of us at home. I'm hungry too.

Grayson's residence

A few minutes later..

Everyone has arrived, and they all headed to the living room to lay down on their sofas since they were all very exhausted. Nightwing removed his mask, to reveal his icy blue eyes. He headed to the kitchen to get some food for himself, and for his teammates. He opened the fridge, to find some food that he knew his teammates would love to eat.

Dick: I've got everyone's favorite food, I just need to reheat them!

Although Starfire was appreciating her nap, she got up to help Dick heat the food so they could finish faster.

A few minutes later..

Everyone was sitting on the table, each with their favorite foods on their plates. When Dick finished his food, he grabbed his laptop and decided to call anyone from Gotham.

Dick: My kids and Dami are probably asleep, Bruce is out in Gotham like usual, which leaves me with either Jason or Tim.

He called Tim because he's the first one that appeared in the contacts list, and it didn't take long for Tim to respond.

Dick: Good thing you're still awake!

Tim's echo: You know me Dick, I'm a night owl. How are you doing?

Dick: We're finally done.

He turned his laptop so his friends could wave for Tim.

Tim's echo: Sweet. Booyah for the victory! *finger guns*

Victor: You said it, buddy. Booyah! *finger guns*

He turned his laptop back to talk to Tim.

Dick: How's everything going on there?

For a few seconds, Tim stared at the screen and sighed.

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