I haven't updated for ages, and I'm really sorry.

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Title is self explanatory.

I did write a note on the bio of this book stating this, so anyone who comes across it sees the note immediately. But I still want to say a couple of things here.

I'm really sorry that I'm still unable to update my fan fic since August of this year.

However, I didn't lose my interest in this book at all! It's just that I have a much busier life now, and I'm enjoying my time being a new anime fan during my free time.

Anyways, I still know what I want to write in the future chapters, and I'm looking forward to continue writing them as soon as I could!

I have also not used Wattpad for months since this summer. But recently I decided to come back to find some Demon Slayer and Naruto fan fics to read.

I've been reading some Akatsuki fan fics by KittiAkatsuki, and I'm in love with them! Definitely check her fan fics out if you're also an Akatsuki fan like myself. 😅

And finally, I'd love to thank every loyal reader who still have my book saved in their libraries. Know that I really appreciate you patiently waiting for me to update this book. Because like I said in the description, I'll be back as soon as I could! And a lot of interesting things will happen in the future chapters. 😉

In the meantime, I suggest you to read other people's fan fics and support their works. Not just the one that I mentioned, but literally any story that catches your interest.

Thank you again, and I hope you have a great day! 🌿✨


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