Chapter 18

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The same night of the previous chapter..

The living room

Hours after the funeral ceremony has ended, the teenage girl was assembled along with her family, Ellie and Jon.

It was awkward to explain everything while Ellie was still present, therefore she didn't speak about her experience in the parallel universe.

However, everyone was consoling her and cheering her up as much as they could.

Moments have passed, and the doorbell rang after a while.

Alfred stood up and went to see who came to the manor, which turns out to be Clark.

Alfred: Good evening Clark!

Clark: Hello Alfred! Is Jon still inside?

Alfred: Yes, he is. You may come in!

Clark: It's late already, and I don't want to bother you. I just came to pick up my son.

Alfred: Alright then. Please wait for a moment.

The butler went to call the boy, and he prepared to leave afterwards.

Diana: It was nice to have you around, Jon. Thank you for being so kind to me despite barely knowing me.

Jon: Oh, it's nothing! The least I can do is to empathize you.

Diana: It's very much appreciated. Anyway, are we staying in touch after this?

Damian: Tt, of course. You'll see him very often since we meet up a lot.

Jon: Yeah. I will definitely see you around again!

Diana: I'm looking forward to that.

Jon: Me too!

The two smiled at each other for a second before Jon finally left.

Jon: Anyway, good night everyone!

Everyone wished Jon a good night, and he left the manor soon after.

Not too long after Clark and Jon were away, another married couple has arrived at the manor.

It turns out they were Ellie's parents, and they also went to pick her up from the manor.

After that, Diana has finally explained to her family everything that has happened to her, and she gave Thomas's letter to Bruce eventually and she also showed everyone the hair brush that Martha gave her.

Bruce went obviously emotional after hearing all of her story, which everyone was expecting.

He also ended up apologize to Diana for his argument with her and Jason at such an inappropriate time.

Diana: I understand it was a very critical thing to talk about, but it could really be saved for another time to talk about.

Bruce: The thing is, I was really upset and I couldn't keep it to myself for longer, especially since Jason was not around for a few days.

Jason: We've already discussed this a lot before, Bruce. Besides that, I didn't want Diana to deal with our argument on top of her recent trauma. It's always you who makes a big deal out of everything.

The girl sighed deeply, announcing that she was getting annoyed by it.

Bruce and Jason felt ashamed of themselves for it right away.

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