Chapter 11

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Diana's room

The teenage girl was asleep in the middle of the night. However, she wasn't having pleasant dreams. Her body was sweating, and she was moving her head around every few seconds.

-Her dreaming visions-

The teenage girl was in a dim forest, running away in great fear. Not too long later, she found herself surrounded by a bunch of ninjas, which made her raise her hands as a sign of surrender.

Eventually, they all backed off to let two people walk toward Diana, which were revealed to be Talia and Damian, both wearing black suits.

Crying and shivering were the only things Diana was able to do, while her mother and brother were looking at her in despotism.

Talia: You can't get away from us, you fool!

Damian: Why do are you even still alive? My life would've been better without you.

Diana: But Damian, I'm your sister!

Damian, yelling: SHUT UP! I don't give a shit of what you are to me. You're nothing but a worthless girl who's too weak to fit in this world.

The two have grabbed sharp swords from their backs, slowly walking toward the scared girl.

Diana: No.. Please don't hurt me!

The girl couldn't stop her eyes from crying, from being helpless and heartbroken.

Damian: Tt, you expect us to do grant your wish? Pathetic.

The girl tried to escape again, but there were too many ninjas surrounding her, with no sane person around to save her. Eventually, the two have stabbed her at the same time, and that's where she woke up.

-Vision ends-

After the horrific visions, she awoke with a jolt, sitting up and gasping really loud, breathing very heavily and feeling somewhat suffocated.
A moment later, Damian has opened the door violently and quickly ran toward his sister, which made her grab her blanket tighter and back off a little bit.

To his surprise, there was no one in the room but him and Diana.

Damian: What happened?

Diana, panicked: I.. I've had a nightmare.

She put her hands on her face, to only start sobbing. Damian got closer to his sister, and stood in front of her.

Damian: Whatever you've seen, none of it is real. It was all visions from your own head.

Being very panicked, Diana was still breathing heavily.

Diana, panicked: I know, but.. But it felt.. Horror... horrifically real!

The boy moved his hands up and down, trying to be as empathetic as he could.

Damian: Shhhh, calm down. Catch some breath, and then talk.

She did what Damian told her, and it helped her be less panicked.

Diana: So basically, you and our mom, you both hated me so much to the point where you both wished I was dead. In the end, you.. You both have stabbed me with your swords, and that's when I woke up.

She wiped out her tears with her hands, doing her hardest not to cry until she finishes talking.

Diana: You even said something very harsh to me. It sounded like you truly meant what you said, and it hurt me very deeply.

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