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Episode 1
Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away...
YN the mostly cheerful, kind, but often sarcastic obnoxious with an I-don't-give-a-damn attitude girl had to go school.
Yes, school sucks. YN thought so too.
The evil organization called Education had captured her poor innocent young self from a very young age.
Since then, she had been forced to wake up early every weekday to attend educational prison.
Overtime, she grew rebellious and developed something called an anime phase.
A glorious thing that all poor souls could go to for refuge from the Education.
She fought hard for entertainment and even oh-heaven-forbid manga!
Well, one day this wonderful angel was going to buy some weed but...wait what? It's supposed to be a PG fanfic? Oh ok, one second...
...she went to buy some medicinal herbs that she had collected from a *cough* legal trader who wasn't shady at all!
Why? Well...if everyone else was doing it why couldn't she?
Personally she didn't want to, but had to die to a sacred ritual called 'a dare'.
She never had 'medical herbs' before, so don't worry, she's pure-ish.
Well, on her way to the not so shady park she met some polite gentlemen called cops who saw her.
These lovely people wanted to play tag and they were it.
They chased her all around the park, down the street pass Mama's Pizzeria (though she was tempted to stop there for a bit for some meat lovers...)
All the way to the busy intersection.
And ran almost across the road.
She ran onto the road and realized...
She didn't have her cellphone in her pocket!
Oh! The horror!
She realized that she must have dropped it in her game of tag with the cops.
She was so engrossed in retracing her mental steps that she didn't notice the cliche truck honking its a** off.
We can all guess what happened next so don't expect me to write it.
I'm too lazy...
Just read the summary and you'll be good.

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