Izuna is a Strange Child (Duckbutt)

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"Oi I heard that!" I yelled.

"Sorry Reader-Chan... I know you're not strange" Mcho1907 said with a closed eye smile, "But right now you are...gomen."

"Why that title?" I complained, honestly why?? WhY????!!!!

"It's catchy! And has a nice ring to it!" Mcho1907 chirped happily.

"I'm Izuna, but I'm also not...or am I?" I asked confused.

Mcho1907 shrugged, "It's confusing. But basically you've replaced canon Izuna in this story."

I nodded in understanding and then remembered why I was here.

*ahem*  "Mcho1907 doesn't own Naruto." I said while reading the conveniently placed flash cards that were in front of me, "Tobirama is hot."



Mcho1907 giggled.

"Why would you make me read that aloud?" I whined.

"It's called foreshadowing!" Mcho1907 said while smiling mischievously, "Once again, I don't own Naruto or you. If I did you'd be in a tutu."

"What is it with you and tutus?!" I asked in exasperation.

"Well, it was a dark and stormy night..." Mcho1907 trailed off, "When I pictured Kakashi in a tutu...and laughed for a good 10 minutes."

"..." I said, "I'm not even going to asked what led you to that train of thought."

And back to the story...


'Tobirama is a prick.' I thought simply while dodging a fist to my face.

I mean he really is. His attitude is all like rawr-I-hate-uchihas-and-anything-positive in the show.

But... he was my favourite Hokage in the show.

'Now how can I befriend him if I'm like the definition of what he hates?' I continued to ponder as I flipped a nameless oc over my shoulder, 'He hates Uchiha, I'm an Uchiha! He hates the Sharingan, I have the Sharingan!'

"Izuna! Pay attention!" Madara scolded while stabbing a random background oc that was insignificant to the plot line.

"Gomen!!!" I apologized while launching a fireball jutsu at an incoming enemy.

Currently we were fighting some nameless clan that were foolish enough to think they'd beat us.

'Ugh This is going to be hard...' I sighed as I stabbed a guy in the forehead, 'I still need to annoy as many people as possible...'

This sucks honestly, I mean lots of people would kill to be reborn in the Naruto world. The only problem for me is this is Naruto without Naruto!

I mean he doesn't even exist, yet! And...by the time he does I'll be old and wrinkly yuck! Or dead...

'I won't be able to hit on the characters from Naruto's generation!' I anime cried.

I kicked a dude in the gut before slitting his throat with a quick, 'sorry dude'

Another dude looked at me in hate and yelled at me saying something along the lines of, 'You killed my uncle's cat's cousin's owner's sister's boyfriend's mother's brother in law! Prepare to die!'

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