Special Chapter Legacy

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This takes place after Izuna's death and ties in with the sequel.

"Kakashi who's that?" Sakura asked as she pointed at a painted scroll.

'That person resembles Sasuke-kun!!' She thought.

Team 7 was tasked with a D-Ranked mission of cleaning out an old house the Hokage personally commissioned to be cleaned.

"This...oh!" Kakashi gasped, "This is a painting of Madara Uchiha's younger sister!"

Sasuke flinched and her hid facial expression.

"Her name was Izuna Uchiha." He continued with a closed eye smile.

"Eh?! But Kakashi-sensei at the academy they said Madara had a brother with that name!" Naruto said confused.

Kakashi sighed.

"If you paid attention to class Naruto they said that Izuna-sama hid her gender to fight along side her brother as general." Sakura informed in exasperation, "Haven't you heard of the Black Death?"

Naruto smiled sheepishly, "I've heard of the Black Death but not the gender thingy..."

"The Black Death was a shinobi on par with Lord 1st and her brother Lord 3rd..." Kakashi informed with a sigh, "She was a legendary figure that had a major role in the founding of Konoha...she was also known for her beauty! She was said to have hair as black as night...eyes as beautiful as the stars and skin as pale as porcelain...she inspired Jiraiya to write the make out-!"

Kakashi coughed with a light blush. He could have also sworn that he felt a piercing glare drill through his skull.

"Doesn't she also have the...the cami thingy?" Naruto asked.

"It's Kamui..." sighed Sasuke, "And yeah, she did. I'm glad you remembered dobe."

A tick mark appeared on Naruto's head, "I'm not stupid teme!"

A faint, "Could of fooled me." Was secretly muttered but went unheard by all but one.

Sasuke smirked to the secret voice.

"Say...who owned this house anyways!" Asked Naruto loudly, "It's soooo big, Believe it!"

"It was owned by Lord 2nd..." Said Kakashi casually with a closed eye smile.

"EH!!" Two voices yelled.

Sasuke mushroom sighed.


Outside they all stood admiring their work.

"Finally clean!!" Sakura cheered.

Sasuke was standing off in the distance by a tree.

This tree was the one the legendary Black Death stood by the first night of the Uchiha and Senju Treaty during a festival.

This was the tree that Tobirama and Izuna shared a kiss.

Sasuke leaned on the tree and sighed.

Seemingly speaking to herself she said, "It's been a while since I've come to this place."

Whether 'he' was referring to the house or tree was unknown.

"Yeah...it has been." A voice answered.

The wind blew the cherry blossom petals in the distance along with a stray strand of her hair.

Sasuke pulled a strand of her hair that was as black as night back behind her ears.

She stared at what others would call nothingness with eyes that sparkled like stars. A ghostly hand caressed her porcelain skin.

"Thank you Tobirama..." She said.

"Anytime." He stoically replied.


A little later...

"When did you even have the time to get someone to paint me?" Sasuke asked.

"It doesn't matter Izuna..." he said while clearly trying to avoid this topic of conversation.

A faint blush stained his ghostly transparent face.

"...wait...don't tell me you painted that!" Sasuke exclaimed in shock.

Tobirama coughed with a now very furious blush.

It clicked! Now it made sense!

"Is that why you were staring at me like that?" Sasuke remarked now understanding.

Long ago Izuna had left for a mission leaving Tobirama lonely. Once she returned Tobirama was caught staring at her multiple times.

He had painted her so that he'd always have her by his side.

Now, it was his turn to stay by her side.




The voices of her teammates brought her back to the present. She turned away from the tree and waved.

"Hn...I'm coming already stop yelling!" Sasuke said with a discreet smile.

She ran away from the tree followed by her ghost lover. Smiling as she left the place if the past, but she new her past would always last.


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