The Beginning of the Actual Story

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"Izuna! Izuna!"

"Huh what?!" I exclaimed confused.

"Don't space out like that." An all to familiar voice scolded.

My eyes widened. "Madara?!" I croaked.

Madara Uchiha, THE Madara Uchiha, stood before me. Crazy psycho, almost world conquering Madara.

'Did he just say Izuna? Who? Me?!' I thought, 'Was I really reborn? What's going on here?'

'It seems I have been...' I realized, 'Fudge, I've been reborn as Izuna!'

"Yes? Is something wrong?" Madara asked concerned, "You don't seem well."

Right, I can't act suspicious.

"N-nothing Madara-niisama!" I stuttered. Darn! I stuttered. Wait?! My voice is higher pitches than in the anime....

Madara raised a brow, "You sure? You seem off. If there's anything wrong just tell me! I'm your older brother! It's my duty to look after my little sister."

I nodded and smiled, "Arigato Madara-nii!"

'Wait, sister?' I thought confused, 'I thought Izuna was um.. a guy..could it be that it's because of me that his-erm my gender changed?'

"Izuna." A stoic voice called.

I turned to face the voice and saw Tajima Uchiha, Izuna's-no my father.

"Hai, Otou-sama?" I answered easily even though I was having an internal mental breakdown.

"It's time for your training." Tajima informed me.

I nodded, "Hai!"

I smiled at Madara and proceeded to follow my father to the training grounds.
I glanced back at Madara and saw him sneaking off somewhere.

'Is he going to meet with Hashirama?' I pondered.

My eyes shifted back to the back of my new father.

He lead me to the training grounds. And then stopped walking. I almost walked into to him. Thankfully I didn't.

"Now, practice your fire style. Fireball jutso now!" He demanded.

'Crap! What were the hand signs?'

I remembered the hand signs that Sasuke performed against Kakashi during their Training Exercise and when he fought Haku.

My eyes widened just a fraction when my hands moved faster than I could say, 'Hand' they created handsigns and I created a huge fireball.

'How?' I thought shocked.

I concluded that muscle memory was the reason I knew the hand signs. After all, I wasn't born as Izuna here. (Thank goodness I didn't have to restart as a baby!) This gave me the advantage of knowing how to perform jutso and control chakra.

While I was impressed, Tajima pursed his lips disapprovingly.

"You're too slow and too sloppy!!" He barked, "Izuna. You seem distracted."


His disapproval turned into concern.

I felt guilt bubble up inside me. Though I had only been in control of this body recently and attain Tajima and Madara as family I still felt guilt and shame.

"Gomēn." I apologized while looking down.

"Is it because you're a girl?" Tajima asked with a slight gentleness present in his eyes.

Izuna UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now