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Things were looking up. Hashirama just became the villages First Hokage! He was married to a lovely lady called Mito! She was an Uzumaki, and she was the best!

She's like a sister to me. Nothing like what I thought she'd be like from the anime. She was still the the jinchuriki for the kyuubi though...

We called this place Konoha, the village of the hidden leaves. Madara named it! He was so proud of himself too..

Madara was still single... probably would be for life...

I was disappointed but not surprised, he was perfectly content with the family he had already. Plus, he had a lot to do as clan head.

Everything was as it should be...

Oh Ho?

You're wondering about my relationship with Tobirama?



"Don't be an idiot Tobirama!" Hashirama said while smiling enthusiastically, "Go on and ask her out!! I believe in you!"

"That's easy for you to say!! You're already married!" Tobirama said while scowling, "It's different!"

Madara nodded with his arms crossed, "Tobirama's right it's different. In fact it's impossible."

Tobirama became depressed.

'It must be genetics...' sweat dropped Madara.

"Oh don't be so negative Madara!" Hashirama boomed, "I'm sure she'll be thrilled!"

"No. She'll hate you. Don't even try." Madara advised in a biased way, "Stay away from her."

Hashirama hit Madara on the head only to be whacked back three times as hard.

"Itai!" Hashirama cried.

'They aren't helping at all....' moped Tobirama.


"So..." Mito drawled out in a teasing manner, "What's up with you and Tobirama-san?"

I immediately blushed a dark shade of scarlet.


"Don't even try it Sweetie." Mito said, "It's obvious you like him, I tell ya."

"" I admitted slowly, "But he's a Senju! And I'm an Uchiha!"

Mito sighed, "Has that ever stopped you before? Stop making excuses!"


"He hasn't confronted me so I don't know anymore!" I said sadly, "And I haven't seen him in a while... what if he's moved on to a different girl?"

Mito whacked me hard on the head.


"Don't even think that!" Mito scolded, "He's infatuated with you, I'm telling ya!"

"But-! How are you so sure?" I asked.

"Oh Sage of Six! Help this poor soul..." Mito exclaimed, "It's pretty much common knowledge to everyone! I mean he faints and blushes a lot around you!"

I blinked, "What?"

"He even stutters when people talk to him about you!" Mito sighed tiredly, "He's even denied every marriage proposal he's received!"





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