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Tobirama had a problem. Yes, I know that it's normal to have problems but still, he had a big problem.

His heart would accelerate when he thought of YN. It would be all Doki Doki in his chest and would beat so fast he'd sometimes convince himself that it would burst out of his chest and run away to her.

'This is bad.' He thought to himself.

While he had originally thought it was a small minor crush it seems now that it was way more.

In fact, he had accepted it. Tobirama Senju has come to terms that he had fallen in love with YN. Now was the fear of rejection, or-heaven forbid! The Friendzone! Plus, they were still just children...

This usually stoic Senju was a mess and he hated it. The seemingly unrequited feelings were killing him!

"I'm a mess..." Tobirama said while looking in a mirror. His face was all red from blushing and his hands were shaky.

He really was a love sick idiot. Kawaii!


'I am confused.' I thought simply as I stabbed an enemy shinobi, 'Something's wrong with Tobirama... this never happened in the series! It's not canon!'

Things were changing. Whether it be for better or worse I don't and didn't know, but it was clear that things were changing.

'Did I do something wrong?' I thought while blinking, 'He did run away...'

Was it from me?

'...could it be he discovered my clan heritage?' I thought while panicking, 'Does he know I'm an Uchiha? Is he going to hate me?'

I'm so confused.

I strangled an enemy ninja while thinking of my very serious problem.

'Why do I even care?' I thought while making a face, 'He's going to kill me! Why do I even bother?'

"Because you like him!" Said an annoying voice in my head.

" I don't." I said while scrunching up my nose, "We're friends..."

"Um...who are you talking to?" Asked a random enemy shinobi who was questioning my sanity.

"My subconscious." I said as if it were the most obvious thing on earth.

"Er...ok..." He said before yelling, "Die!"

I kicked the kunai out of his hand and grabbed him by the shoulders.

It was too much for me. Did he hate me? I really hoped not because I didn't hate him.

"I'm so confused!!!" I wailed as I begun manhandling, erm I mean shaking the poor enemy, "What did I do to deserve this...?"

"You fell in love~!" Sang the annoying voice in my heart.

The enemy died from the sheer force of being manhandled.


Oh well.

"Izuna! It's time to go!" Yelled Madara Who I hadn't seen for the whole battle.

"Eh? Already?" I asked as I looked around. Bodies of enemy shinobi were lying around everywhere.

'I guess we won... I didn't even realize!' I thought, 'What's with that?'

Was my mind really that troubled?

"Okay, I'm coming!" I called as I followed my nii-san.


Now let's just think for a moment. Let's start with what we know...

Madara was no idiot; he wasn't as dense as Hashirama not at all.

Madara was more aware of things than energetic friend. He knew for certain that Izuna was going through something.
He dreaded it, very much.

"Izuna has a crush..." whispered Madara in shock, "She's in love."

The fact that Madara figured things out before the person them self is hilarious, hilariously cringy.

All the reader are probably like: Oh gosh! I can't believe we're that dense in this story! Please save our dense soul!


Madara had been watching Izuna during the entire fight, not in a creepy way but in an overly protective way. He'd already lost two brothers and he refused to lose his last sibling.

His brotherly instincts kicked in once he'd seen the symptoms of love.

Nope, not on his watch.

Madara would rather die than let a boy near his sister.

'She'll die single and a virgin!' Thought Madara determinedly, 'I swear on it!'

The two were nearing the compound. Madara was preparing to activate his sharingan to glare at every boy in sight.

To bad the boy wasn't even there.

It was just a waste of chakra, except the hilarity of watching the great Madara Uchiha glare at everyone with suspicion over the shoulder of his sister.

It was truly a sight to behold. All the mothers cooed at how cute his protectiveness was while every boy either coward or ran away screaming.

I was just wondering why everyone was running away from me.

"Madara-nii? Why is everyone avoiding us?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I have no clue..."

The Uchiha boys all mentally screamed 'LIES!' .

I sighed already having a sneaking suspicion on why they were all running away.

"Madara-nii... stop scaring away our clansmen." I scolded, "It's not nice..."

Madara smiled 'innocently' (like Sai's smile), "Whatever do you mean?"

I smiled and laughed lightly, "I think you do..."

And then we continued our way back home while Madara scared the heck out of everyone around me.

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