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Tobirama was a stubborn person by nature. Really, he was. Tobirama was a prick, a cold and stoic icy prick that would melt at the single thought of the person he loved...

How cute. ❤️

He was like a lost puppy! (Though he wouldn't admit it)

Now for the hard part...

How was he going to confront YN about that kiss?

It wasn't even planned! (Except by the Author...)

He didn't even understand what came over him! His body just reacted in its own! It was like he was in the passenger seat of his own mind screaming at himself to stop!

Tobirama buried his face in his hands.

"What do I do......?" He mumbled, "I'm such an idiot......" are the one who kissed her...

It's not the only bad idea you've had....(picture down below)

(picture down below)

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Oh well!

Then Tobirama decided that he needed to scream out his frustrations to the world.

"Ahhhh!" He whisper\hissed.

He couldn't actually do that because it was currently nighttime and it would probably wake everyone up.

Honestly, his life was like a cringy Korean drama or anime... not that either of those existed yet...

Tobirama laid down in bed.

'Maybe I'll be able to clear my head for tomorrow...' Tobirama thought, 'Our clan will be fighting the Uchiha after all...'

And...he fell asleep.

Dream no Jutsu!
Tobirama was fighting an Uchiha boy. He dodged a few jutsu.

He activated his sharingan but Tobirama managed to slash him with his sword

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He activated his sharingan but Tobirama managed to slash him with his sword.
'Got you!' He thought in triumph.
How horrified do you think he was when that 'boy' he just slashed turned out to be YN?
How? Why? Were the questions in his mind along with horror.
'She was an Uchiha?' Thought Tobirama in shock, 'Then why do I still..?...still....I can't stop caring....!'
"T-tobi-kun....why...?" I asked weakly, "I"
It was all happening too quickly!
"YN! How..?" Asked Tobirama as he trembled, "N-no...! Don't die! I'm so sorry!! I'll save you!!"
Frantically he tried stopping the blood but it was no use.
I smiled in a strained fashion, "YOLO..." (But I lived twice?)
Then Izuna Uchiha dropped limply in his arms.
Tobirama cried out as he stirred in his sleep, "N-no...!"
Mcho1907 took pity on him and released him from his nightmare, "Kai! (Release!)"

Tobirama woke up on a cold sweat.

"YN!!" He yelled.

He glanced around his room and realized it was just a dream.

Then he let out a sigh of relief.

Well fudge. How is he supposed to confront her now? I mean, that's a pretty bad omen, Ya know.

'It was just a dream...' Tobirama sighed, '...........The heck does YOLO mean?'


We were having a late night meeting with an allied clan of ours.

"This better be important." I said while tapping my foot, "It's making me lose beauty sleep!"

I was peacefully sleeping until Tajima barged into my room telling, no, yelling for me to wake up because our allies had arrived finally.

"Uh...I'm sure it is?" Madara said from beside me unsure whether that would offend me or not. He was afraid of me when I was in a foul mood.

I huffed, "It better be."

Then father spoke up, "Our allies have arrived!"

Then he rambled about a few things about intercepting Senju forces on their planned attack on us before the following sentence caught my and Madara's ear.

"Together, combined with our ally we outnumber the Senju 2:1! It is an insured victory!"

"...We'll flank them from behind point A and B and once they're tired our allies will join us as backup and surprise attack them!"

Me and Madara gave each other a worried glance and nodded, we'd need to warn Hashirama somehow before our allies would come.


After the meeting I was pulled aside by father.

"Izuna...we will be fighting along side another clan..." he said, "I don't want you to wear armour this fight. Instead I want you to proudly wear the Uchiha crest."

I almost forgot. Uchiha were stubborn people who refused to wear armour during the waring states era because they wanted to display their crest. (And die early) With the exception of Madara.

"Otou-sama I don't think-!" I tried.

"Enough! I've tolerated it before but now I'm asking you to listen!" He interrupted, "You will wear the Uchiha crest proudly like every other one of us. You won't be hiding it behind that ridiculous armour of yours..."

I gulped and nodded.


Well f you, my armour is comfy! (Surprisingly) And it looks cool! Plus it hides my increasingly growing breasts......

I stomped off to my room and sat on my futon with a huff. I was so mad at father that I fell asleep.


The next day I got all my weapons and supplies.

I gave Madara a nod to show that I still remember our plan. He was going to fight Hashirama and inform him of the surprise attack so that he can tell his father and the Senju can sound a retreat.

"Let's dance."

Izuna UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now