It's Hinata before Hinata!

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I walked straight past Madara and Father giving them a nod in acknowledgment. Then I walked into my room and locked the door.

I dragged my feet towards my futon and collapsed.

'The heck?'

This isn't canon. Not. At. All. Not that I didn't like' was just too...too...shocking.

Then I did what any normal person in my situation would do, I screamed in my pillow.

Because it was muffled.

Outside my room Father and Madara had an ear each against my door and were leaning in to eavesdrop when all of a sudden...


Madara jumped up into his father's arms in fright and surprise. While Tajima flinched and almost ran away due to his survival instinct.

They gave each other a look and gulped.

"M-Madara...why don't you go check on your sister?" Tajima coughed nervously.

Madara gave a pointed look at his father.

"W-Why don't you Otou-sama?" He replied with a look.

They weren't skilled with this kind of thing. They weren't even trained for this!
In fact, they had no clue what was going on! They were boys, they were men. They wouldn't understand.

"S-same time?" Tajima offered.

"D-deal." Madara said with a cough.

Shakily they knocked on my door.

Women can be terrifying.

I dragged myself up and to the door. With a slam I opened it and glared.

Madara flinched and looked to his father in support but realized that his father was gone! Tajima had fled the scene!

'Coward!' Was one of the many names Madara called his father mentally along with 'Traitor!' And a few other not so nice names...

"Uh...hi?" Madara said awkwardly.

The readers all facepalmed.

"We're DOOMED!" Yelled one of the readers.


"Nii-san?" I said with a quivering lip.

"I...Oof-!" Madara exclaimed as he was tackled in a hug.

"He...k...kissed me!!" I blubbered, "I thought he hated me but he kissed me! I'm so confused!!!"

Madara stiffened and had a murderous glint in his eyes. (Made the face in photo at the top)

'Death...' was the first thing that came to mind along with 'Murder...' but was discarded promptly after seeing my facial expression.

"'s alright." Madara soothed.

"Yeah...." I tried, "It...will be..."

(Quick author's note: Just to be clear, I'm putting Hashirama and Madara at 13 years so Izuna and Tobirama can be 9-11)

I was so confused!

'I thought that he hated me!' I thought, 'I'm glad he doesn't though...'

Wait? He likes me? Like, like-like me? Like he actually likes me?

It suddenly dawned on me a sun rising! A spark of realization flashed in my eyes.

"So...who kissed you?" Asked Madara darkly, "Ne...just tell me his name..."

'On second' I blinked and ran back into my room and locked the door.

Madara just stood there and let out a sigh of relief that I seemed slightly better before making a face.

'My sister was kissed.'

And he was locked outside her room.

And he was locked outside her room

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"I don't know who you are...but I will find you...and I will end you..." Madara swore loudly, I could even hear him from inside my room.

'That's not happening...ever.' I thought from inside my room.

Well...not end per say but beat up, burn, scratch and glare at is more like it.

Madara would make this boy suffer. Suffer! And make sure that he is perfect for his beloved baby sister.

Inside my room I leaned against my door.

'He likes me?' I thought while placing a finger on my lips.

A smile snuck onto my features.

"He likes me!" I whispered with a laugh.

And the thing was...I kind of liked him too!

But, he was a Senju and I was an Uchiha.

'It's like Romeo and Juliet...' I thought, 'Though...I'm Romeo, he can be Juliet.'

I burst into a fit of girlish giggles.

"He likes me!" I repeated.

Gosh, I'm becoming a love struck idiot!


Tobirama was out of it. His father had been talking to him about something important-ish but Tobirama didn't hear any of it. Eventually his father gave up and just settled on having Hashirama repeat everything to Tobirama later.

'I can't believe I did that!!' He thought while burying his face in his hands, 'I kissed her! I didn't even...I body moved on it's own!'

This usually stoic Senju was a mess.

(That phrase is becoming more and more common...)

He was just so embarrassed! What if she was weirded out? What if she hated him now? Tobirama's mind was filled with questions!

"Tobirama?" Asked Hashirama who broke Tobirama's train of thoughts, "Are you alright? What's wrong?"

And that was the problem. He wasn't alright. And every single time he thought about it he'd faint! And then wake up, remember it and faint again!

Hashirama didn't need to think twice when Tobirama's eyes started to rolled back and he started falling backwards.

Unluckily enough, although Hashirama foresaw it happening he didn't act quickly enough so Tobirama fainted straight onto the ground.

"Oh Tobirama...what on earth is happening to you..?" Hashirama asked, "Or better yet...What am I going to do with you?"

Literally, because now Hashirama was stuck with Tobirama's unconscious body.

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