Down Hill

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All good things end. It's a fact about life that many have come to accept. But that doesn't mean they have to like it.

Things were good, they started off good. I had managed to keep Father from finding out about Hashirama and nii-san meeting.

I had been meeting Tobirama for a while now and had gotten relatively close. We were good friends.

But I should have known that it was too good to be true. I should've foreseen this...but I didn't.

It started off with this...

"Izuna, today you will accompany me when we follow your brother." Tajima informed much to my horror, "He seems to have been meeting with another boy according to the man I asked to follow him."

Oh nononono.... it wasn't supposed to end up like this! was... but I was hoping it wouldn't.

I looked down disappointed with myself.

"....don't be disappointed about not following your brother." Tajima said, "You'll have a chance to prove yourself now."

But that was the problem! I should've foreseen Tajima using another way to spy on Madara! But I didn't... gosh I'm so stupid.

I merely nodded in acknowledgment.

"Get dressed and grab your sword." He instructed.

I sat there feeling hopeless. Eventually I stood up and got dressed. Unlike any other time I'd usually go out, I'd be under the guise of a boy.

'If only there was such thing as ice cream in this time period!' I cried, 'Then I'd be able to properly stress eat.'

I fixed my outfit and armour that was branded with the Uchiha crest and grabbed my sword.

"Gomen Otou-sama..." I sighed, while I had no choice but to fight them, I refuse to kill.

My train in thoughts were interrupted by my father.

"It's time." He said before leading the way towards the battlefield.

I followed him with a sad march.

'This will be my first battle with the Senju.' I thought, 'How ironic is it that it is with Tobirama, my friend.'

We were approaching the clearing. I could hear the stream running (the clan before the storm) and feel Tobirama's chakra along with someone else's. His father presumably.

I closed my eyes, and activated my Sharingan.

I gave my father a silent nod.

All at once swords clashes and jutsu were thrown! Not once could I look Tobirama in the eyes.

Father and Butsuma were fighting.

"Why you-!" Tobirama yelled as he swung his sword.

'Why isn't he looking up?' Tobirama thought, 'Is he underestimated me? Tch.'

I blocked his incoming attack. Our swords trembled at how hard we were gripping them.

My eyes widened, 'This is the scene that kunai were thrown...!'

I heard a whiz and made the mistake of looking up. Tobirama stared into my Sharingan eyes.

'Oh no!' I screamed mentally.

'This....this scum looks so familiar...' Tobirama thought in shock, 'But I cant seem to place my finger on who....'

Tobirama presser harder with the metal sword. I thought the pressure would make the metal blade snap.

I knew the kunai were just above our heads.

'Fudge!' I cursed.

I tackled Tobirama in an inelegant manner to push him out of the way of the incoming kunai.

Then I stood up and jumped back leaving Tobirama shocked and confused.


I swiftly spun around to face the voices.

'Madara-nii!!!' I thought, 'I'm so glad...I don't know how much of this I can take!'

Madara and Hashirama had both arrived and were trying to defuse the situation.

Then Madara turned to me and glared at Tobirama was still a bit confused.

"Are you alright Izuna?" He asked worriedly.

I nodded and gave him an Uchiha smirk.

Then Madara told Hashirama that they couldn't be friends and unlocked his Sharingan.

This made me sad, it was too much like Naruto And Sasuke's friendship.

I reactivated my Sharingan That has somehow deactivated during the commotion and made eye contact with Hashirama to cast a small genjutsu on him.

'This way I can communicate with him without interference.' I thought.

He flinched but relaxed when I winked at him discreetly.

'That Uchiha boy doesn't seem like he wants to harm us...'  Hashirama noted, 'What could he want?'

My attention returned to my father who had agreed to ceasefire temporarily. I followed Madara and Father back home.

Time skip no Jutsu!

I laid down in bed, still exhausted from the fight and constant chakra depletion I received for keeping my genjutsu in Hashirama up.

'It's time..' I thought while activating my Sharingan. Immediately I fell unconscious as my consciousness was dragged into Hashirama's brain.

There Hashirama stood confused. Last thing he remembered was returning to the Senju compound and collapsing (due to my genjutsu).

"YOU!!" He yelled loudly while pointing at me.

I sighed and raised my hands in peace.

"I'm not going to hurt you. In fact I want to talk..." I sighed tiredly, "I wanted to thank you for being such a good friend to my older brother."

Hashirama was almost speechless, but, then again he always has something to say.

"Really?" He asked but soon became depressed, "But Madara doesn't want anything to do with me..."

I smiled, "Let me deal with that. Madara is an idiot who loves to be dramatic sometimes."

Hashirama beamed at me.

"He thinks of you as a friend." I told him, "And if he thinks of you as a friend then so do I."

"You and Madara aren't so bad....for Uchiha." Hashirama smirked.

"Same can be said for you...Senju." I spat back.

We both bursted out into a fit of laughter.

"Now let me reintroduced myself." Hashirama said brightly, "I'm Hashirama Senju, firstborn of Butsuma Senju."

I nodded.

"Izuna, Izuna Uchiha." I said coolly.

Suddenly I coughed out some blood.

"Ack! Are you alright?" Hashirama asked concerned.

"'s nothing." I said, "Just chakra exhaustion. It's hard to cast a genjutsu like this. I apologize, I must leave now..."

"Good bye Hashirama-san." I said as I begun to fade in his consciousness and wake up in the real world.

Hashirama grinned.

"It's nice to have two Uchiha as friends."

I let a smile grace my features.


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