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Okay then, let's start the plan. Not that plan! THE plan. God's plan.

I'm kidding with that last one...

Anyways, after dealing with the shock of the realization that my hair was a duck I needed to see an ancient profession called therapy.


"I'm alright now Nii-san!" I tried.

"No. I'm still going to stay by your side whether you like it or not." Madara said stubbornly while crossing his arms.

You see, ever since the event that we call the Duck incident happened Madara wouldn't leave my side. He even tried following me into the Girls Bath, what dedication!

...Or maybe he's just a pervert.

I even woke up to see his face inches from mine with his eyes wide open!

It's starting to concern me. Not because it's mildly creepy, but because Madara hasn't been meeting Hashirama.

I tried walking away but Madara grabbed my by the hem of my kimono, one that didn't have a tacky Uchiha insignia on it.

(Though I DO like the Uchiha crest...shhh! I didn't say that!)

He even grabbed my hair once! Now I need to tie it up in a traditional women's style in case he does that again!

But I admit it's convenient, in this style I look like a different person. A girl, to be precise.


He isn't leaving me alone!

"Go away!" I said annoyed.

Madara's mouth opened to interject but nothing came out. Then he suddenly released me, sat down, curled in to a ball, and became depressed.

"Izuna...doesn't want me...." he muttered sadly while sucking his thumb, "Izuna doesn't need sister is growing up...stop growing....."

I sweat dropped when I saw him rocking himself back and forth. Then I used this as an opportunity to run away as fast as I could.

I bolted to the outer wall of the compound and ran up it and leaped over.

"FREEDOM!" I yelled while soaring through the air! (Temporarily)

I looked down and realized I was going to fall.


"FREEFALLING!!!" I sang as I fell flat on my face.

'Oof...' that hurt.

I picked myself up (literally) using a shadow clone because I'm so damn lazy and dusted myself off.

I glanced at the wall and pouted.

"Well, that didn't go according to plan."


I turned to face the forests that lied just ahead.


(Which one isn't a tree?)

Well, I can either pick myself up and walk right back into the compound and face my depressed brother.


I can explore the wilderness!! 🌳🌱🌲


I think it's obvious what to do.

I am a responsible child. I know what the right thing to do in this situation; It's to return to the compound.
But, because I am a responsible child I am 100% sure I can manage myself. Plus, I'm a ninja prodigy apparently according to the naruto fandom wiki site.

Izuna UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now