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This chapter occurs before the Epilogue.


"HAHAHAHA!" Laughed Hashirama loudly, "I'm sure it'll be fine!"

"Aniji...are you sure?" Asked Tobirama, "Don't you want me to come?"

"Nah!" Said Hashirama shaking his head, "I'm ready for some bonding time with my future sister-in-law!"

"It's fine Tobi-kun." I laughed, "We'll be alright."

"I know...I know..." Tobirama sulked.

"See ya later!" I chirped as both Hashirama and I headed off out of Konoha.


"So~?" Asked Hashirama, "What's the deal between you and my brother?"

I gave him a weird look.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He gave a teasing smile.

"When are you going to tie the knot?" He asked, "Get married? You're engaged already!"

I ignored him and continued walking.

"You can tell me anything!" Exclaimed Hashirama, "Have you kissed in public yet? Are you going to move in? Tell me!"

"Hashirama....we're fine the way we are." I told him with a sigh.

Talking about us was awkward and made me embarrassed.

'I wonder....if he cares...' I thought with a sigh, 'Is Tobirama the jealous type? It never said in the anime.'

"You know...Mito and I-!"

"Get down!" I yelled as kunai were launched at us.

Hashirama and I both jumped away.

Suddenly a figure came to us at a fast speed.

My eyes widened.

It was Kakuzu! A member of the Akatsuki! Well....not yet.

"Hashirama Senju...I've come to assassinate you on behalf of Takigakure!" Kakuzu declared while getting into a stance.

"Me?" Asked Hashirama incredulously.

"What is this about?" I sighed, "Is Takigakure trying to start unnecessary conflict?"

"Silence! They are-!" Kakuzu tried exclaiming as he turned to face me but stopped mid sentence.

A pink dramatic anime background surrounded me.

'She's so pretty!' Thought Kakuzu in awe with wide eyes, 'I....I can't help but stare!'

Kakuzu mentally cursed himself for being distracted.

"Um...? Are you alright?" I asked oblivious to his mental conflict, "You're kind of red?"

The teenage Takigakure shinobi flushed even more red like an Uzumaki and gulped.

"A-anyways!" Kakuzu squeaked, "I'm going to kill you!"

Yeah...um, that didn't sound threatening at all.

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