Darling, I love you like a.....Friend

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Tobirama thought himself a good shinobi. A very good shinobi if he would say so himself. He prided himself in his skills and ability to hide his emotions.

So why is that girl breaking his walls so easily? Something about her....he just didn't understand.

Tobirama felt himself being drawn to her, dangerously so. His heart would often accelerate with her or he'd blush.

'YN....' He said mentally.

He didn't really understand it, he was a child after all. But there was something about her...gosh he even defied his father's orders for her.

Ever since that day when he helped her with that kunai he found himself thinking about her.

He'd only seen her twice before but now he'd catch himself thinking about her and wanting to meet her again.

His train of thought was ruined by a loud scream.


'Oh dear...'

Hashirama came running.

You see, Hashirama was his older brother, he loved him very much...but sometimes he could be an idiot.

Hashirama was a pacifist. He strived for a peaceful dream. One that many deemed impossible. While Tobirama respected his older brother, he had come to accept the harsh reality of the world. It's impossible to make amends with the Uchiha Clan. Tobirama couldn't, no, wouldn't ever get along with someone from that cursed clan.

"Tobirama I need your help!" Hashirama pleaded, "I need you to..."

And that's when Tobirama drowned Hashirama's every word out.

"Sorry Hashirama-nii... I have to do something." Tobirama apologized before running off.

Instead of heading back to the main house like Hashirama was lead to believe, Tobirama snuck out and set off to try and meet with that girl again.

He found himself thinking of ways to impress the girl, much to his own shock and embarrassment.

Were they friends? They had only met twice before but Tobirama felt they were. The only other people he felt this comfortable with were his brothers, and two of them are dead.

Gosh, Tobirama was so confused.

"What the heck is happening to me?" Tobirama asked while clutching his heart in a cliche manner.


I was already accustomed to things like crushes. Heck, I even crushed on Madara in my old life. Now I can't even think about even considering that! Crushing on Madara? He's my brother! Eww!

I was fond of Kakashi, Neji, Haku, Sasori, Itachi and Deidara....don't ask why, they're hot.

But it was a fact that I was accustomed to things like that. But never before have I ever felt something like that! It was strange....I felt like I could really trust Tobirama even though he'd probably end up killing me.

It's just...........he was such a good...friend.

I had to keep reminding myself I only met him twice before, (in this current world) not from before in my old life.

'It's different..he's different...' I reminded myself, 'He's an actual person in this world. Not a character. He'll kill me.'

And that was the problem. He'd kill me.

Tobirama Senju was going to be the death of me.

My train of thought was broken by the sound of swords clashing.

'I really should learn to pay attention.' I mused as I blocked an incoming attack.

Unlike last time this was a sparring match within the clan. I was currently sparring with Madara, we had a kind of sibling rivalry.

"Is that all you can do?" I taunted.

Madara smirked, "A long way from...!"

I gasped as a sword came slashing down towards my head. I blocked it and kicked Madara in the gut making him wheeze.

"Winner Izuna!" A random filler character said.

From the wooden porch Tajima nodded in approval.

"Good, Izuna you may have free time for the rest of the day." Tajima dismissed.

I bowed and smiled as I dashed off to meet with Tobirama.


Once I had arrived there I realized that Tobirama had been waiting for a longish time.

"Sorry I'm late! I had to teach pigs how to fly!" I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

Tobirama deadpanned.


I smiled sheepishly, "I tried......"

We trained together for most of the day and talked the rest.

Once it was time to leave I smiled, "Thanks for training with me!"

Tobirama nodded coolly, "Likewise."

He really was cute.

"I mean it!" I smiled before swiftly pecking him in the cheek, "Bye!"

I ran off too embarrassed to see his reaction.

Tobirama stood there completely blushing with a hand on his cheek.

"S-strange girl..." he managed out.

Then came a horrible realization.

Dread overcame Tobirama like Sunday evening and unfinished homework.


Tobirama couldn't believe it. A girl he had just met made him feel this way.


He realized what he had, and blushed darkly.


Like her!

The realization made him squirm uncomfortably. But...it was the only explanation to his butterflies and rapid heartbeat.

Then his heart sank, because.....they were friends.

He could practically hear her say, "Darling, I love you like a friend."

But that's fine. After all, every boy has to start somewhere right?

At least they weren't enemies. Tobirama wouldn't know what to do if his heart was stolen by his enemy. He'd have no control over it but would probably try to fight it as best as he could.

But thankfully they were friends, they weren't enemies. Right?

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