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I woke up with a gasp. My whole body was trembling and I had a slight fever.

'Chakra exhaustion sucks...' I said mentally.

My body was shaking so much that I couldn't trust myself to stand up on my own.

"H-Hn...." it seems I am stuck.

Oh well. I'll just try sleeping again.


"Izuna!" Madara called shocking me awake.

"It's time to wake up. You overslept." He scolded.

I honestly tried answering but I kind of couldn't.

"......G......g-gomen......nii......san..." I manage to pant out, "I....c...c-can't move..."

Madara's face quickly turned into one of concern and he placed a hand on my forehead and gasped.

"You have a fever!" He said shocked, "I'll go inform father and get a healer! Hang on Izuna!"

Madara ran out of my room like he was being chased by an enraged Kyuubi.

I could faintly hear him screaming, "Izuna is dying!!!"

'I'm not dying...' I thought with a cough.

It was so like Madara to exaggerate. I mean, he started a war for my sake. (And for 'peace' )

A few minutes later Madara returned with a healer, and my father.

The healer placed a hand on my forehead and gave me a check up.

"She's suffering from severe chakra depletion." She informed, "She'll need lots of rest Tajima-sama, and fresh air."

Tajima nodded while Madara looked extremely worried.

"I have an herbal tea that can help with chakra exhaustion." The healer told us, "I'll go fetch it."

And with that the healer bowed and left.

"You should be more careful." Tajima told me, "That type of carelessness will only get you killed."

"G....g-gomen... *cough*...O-otou...
s-sama..." I wheezed.

Tajima sighed, "Save your breath more careful."

I nodded weakly and closed my eyes.

I drifted off into a slumber but managed to send a message to Hashirama,

Meet me by the river.

This was I can talk to him in person, with Madara and sort things out.

The healer returned soon later with the tea. I had the whole pot, it was quite tasty.

Once I felt better I stood up and hobbled to Madara's room.

"Madara...Madara-nii." I called.

Immediately I heard him scrambling to open the door.

"Is something wrong? Can I help you? Are you unwell? Do you need food? Are you bored?" Madara asked all at once.

"N-no!" I exclaimed with a sweat drop, "I was hoping to get some fresh air outside the compound..."

Madara nodded, "I can escort you."

I stumbled back to my room with Madara's help and changed into a kimono 👘 that didn't have the Uchiha crest on it.

Together we stumbled out the clan gates secretly and slowly headed towards the stream where Hashirama and Madara met.

Once we got there I felt Madara's muscles tense and heard his breath hitch.
Hashirama was waiting there for us.

Madara's first reaction was to grab and kunai. But he was stopped by me.

I stumbled towards Hashirama with a weak smile. "Hello...." I greeted.

He grinned at me.

Suddenly I felt my knees give away underneath me only to be swiftly caught by Hashirama.

"Are you alright?" He asked with genuine worry.

I nodded, "Yes...thank you..."

Madara stood there shocked. So shocked that he dropped his kunai.

'Oh dear.'

Then the two of them said some dramatic things about being enemies, Hashirama was all sunshine and rainbows while Madara was all Batman like...

Eventually they made up and resumed their idea for peace.

"I'm glad..." I said quietly, "That you two made up..."

But from here on now, things would get increasingly difficult.

After catching up a bit both Hashirama, Madara and I parted ways.

We returned home and immediately lay down on our futons in our rooms to think. Madara thought about his and Hashirama's dream and grinned.

He'd never give up on this, especially with his beloved sister to support him. Had his sister not supported him, things surely would have been different.

I was glad, glad that they rekindled their friendship despite being on enemy clans.

Izuna UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now