Doki Doki!

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Running as fast as I could, (in a kimono), I sped through the forest.

'Hashirama is with Madara-nii, Tobirama is probably closely following.' I deduced, 'I'll just have to make sure that Tobirama doesn't learn of their meetings.'

"Gee...making my life so tough...."

I jumped over tree roots and eventually felt Tobirama nearby. I slowed my pace and evened my breathing.

When I felt Tobirama's chakra flicker in my direction I smirked.

'He hasn't sensed my chakra before.' I thought, '....except when I flared it way back when...but it was only for a moment. I should be good as long as I suppress it.'

I sat down on a tree root and closed my eyes. Focusing on my surroundings I tried sensing Tobirama's chakra.

It was approaching at a relatively fast pace meaning Tobirama was running to get here. Once it was just nearby I felt his chakra steady and slow down.


Tobirama's POV

I was tailing my older brother as my father ordered me to until I felt a familiar chakra.

'That girl...'

It was that girl I met before, the one who was admiring the trees.

"Tch..this is so unlike me..." I clicked my tongue. Should I continue following my brother? Or should I go to that girl?

'Father ordered me to follow Hashirama..' I thought, 'I should obey his orders...'

I weight both options as my mind battled and fought in my inner conflict.

'I can always follow Hashirama later...he's my brother, I live with him...' I reasoned, 'That girl is a mystery, I may not see her again...'

I turned towards the girl's chakra and dashed forward. I leaped over tree roots and rocks as I sped towards her chakra.

There was something about her chakra that intrigued me, it was barely noticeable but when I did it was warm and fiery, much like an Uchiha but different, more gentle. I scrunch up my nose at the thought.

'Damn Uchiha...' I thought hatefully, 'I hate them so much...'

But there was something about it that was welcoming that I didn't understand. I could barely sense it though and there was so much of it I couldn't feel.

Once I had reached just nearby it I slowed down.

I wasn't running out of my way just to meet her, at least that's what I kept telling myself.

Soon I walked towards the ravenette who was sitting against a tree.


Normal POV

'He's here...I can sense his chakra.'

But I made no motion to move. Tobirama walked in front of me and crossed his arms.

"You again." He said.

I opened my eyes and stared at
him with a playful smile.

"Miss me?" I asked smiling childishly, "I'm joking."

He nodded stiffly in acknowledgment and sat down by the tree opposite of me.

"Are you a shinobi?" He asked, "Or a Kunoichi?"

"Why do you want to know?" I countered. Immediately after the words left my mouth I felt a gust of wind and a kunai pressed against my throat.

"Don't play games with me." Tobirama warned while inwardly kicking himself for being so hostile. He did not know how to talk to girls.

I sighed, completely disregarding the kunai agains my windpipe.

"That's rude." I whined slightly while tugging at my kimono sleeves where I had hid kunai previously.

The kunai wavered in his grip slightly.

"S-sorry." Tobirama grunted with a slight blush.

Yep, it's clear that the Second Hokage has no social skills with women during his childhood.

"I learned some ninjutsu..." I said reluctantly, "My father wanted me to be able to defend myself somewhat..."

It was a half-truth, in reality I had mastered my ninjutsu thanks to my father. Tajima really pushed me to my limits, apparently I'm a prodigy.

Tobirama lowered the kunai and stepped away.

"I see." He said void of emotion.

'This will be hard....' I thought while rubbing my temple, 'Tobirama is going to hard to befriend.'

I stretched and let out a content sigh.

I took out a kunai and twirled it in my hands. Then, I sloppily threw it at a tree and missed.

"Aww..." I groaned at my failure. In reality, if I wanted to I could hit a bullseye with my eyes closed but wanted to be underestimated.

Tobirama sighed and grabbed my arm and pulled my towards him.

"You're doing it wrong." He sighed while adjusting my arm position.

"You need to hold it here...and pull back then flick..." Tobirama instructed.

I followed his instructions and tried again. This time I almost got the bullseye.

"Yata!" I cheered, "Look Tobirama-san!"

Tobirama smiled.

"Better...but your putting to much strain on your wrist..." he said before grabbing my hand and adjusting it.

"There..." He said while still holding my hand.

My cheeks flushed slightly at the physical contact.

Tobirama burst into a furious blush once he realized that he was holding my hand.

"A-ah...I...I have to go...!" He said flustered, "I'll meet you here either tomorrow or in two days!"

"O-ok!" I squeaked as he ran deeper into the forest towards the Senju Compound.

Once he was gone I collapsed onto my knees.

'What...was that?' I thought frantically, 'My's beating like's like doki doki!'

I clutched my heart and took deep breaths.

"What's happening to me?"

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