Chuu~ ❤️ (Madara's nightmare)

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(Picture is the face Madara will make later on next chapter)

Currently hiding for dear life I prayed.

'Please don't let them find me. Please don't let them find me...'

I panted heavily from all the running.

Madara was gone, he had gone off with Father to fight some Senju dudes and left me here to train.

While I was hiding for dear life Madara was having a friendly fight to the death with Hashirama.


"Is that all you got?" Madara taunted with a smile.

"Nope!" Hashirama responded with a grin.

"Incoming!" Madara Yelled as he Yeeted a fireball at Hashirama.

"Yeet!!" He yelled. (I taught him well...)

"Eep!" Hashirama squeaked as he jumped up and away.

"Your sister has been teaching you hasn't she?" Hashirama remarked with a smile.

Madara flipped his short hair, "Yep, because I'm worth it."

Just you wait... one day his hair will be long and the sacred ritual of meme shall be complete...

Madara didn't really understand where his sister got these strange words or what 'memes' were but they made her happy and that was enough for him.

He just continued to fight a friendly match with Hashirama.

Back with me...

"Izuna-hime!!! Please go out with me!"

"Izuna-chan I love you!"

"Bear me my children Izuna-san!!!"


"I'm strong! I can protect you Izuna!!"

'Fudge. They found me.' I thought while running for dear life (again).

"NoooOOOOOooooo-!!!" I yelled while running away.

A mother of one of the fanboys who had been passing by saw this and said, "Oh dear..."

She really felt bad for me but could only watch in pity as I was chased.

The moment Madara left was the moment of hell on earth.

With no one to defend me, every single fanboy chose to make a move. An army of fanboys marched throughout the compound.

'This is awful... fanboys everywhere...' I thought, 'plus Tobirama hates me...'

I suddenly felt very depressed.

'Tobirama acted really strangely...' I moped, 'He probably figured out what an I'm from and hates me.....' 😞

"That's it..." I said finally, "I can't take this anymore!"

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