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"Izuna!!" A young Tsunade called as she ran to me, "Gweat Aunt Izuna!!!"

"What is it Tsunade?" I asked as I bent over to her level. (We're in our 30-40? Since Hashirama died at 40-50?)

"I towd you to caw me Tsuna!" She pouted cutely.

"Hehehe my bad Tsuna..." I giggled, "Now what did you want to show me?"

She pulled out a single coin and puffed her chest out.

"I won this from Gweat Uncle Tobi!" Tsunade said proudly displaying the coin.

"Really? That's amazing!" I cheered, "How did you win it?"

"GAMBLING!!" She said with starry eyes.

I made a face in the perfect likeness of Hashirama's depression

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I made a face in the perfect likeness of Hashirama's depression.

"To...bi...rama gave it huh...?" I muttered.

"Are you awright?" Tsunade asked me cutely.

"Uh yeah! Of course!" I said quickly.

Tsunade smiled! She made her great aunt proud!

'Aunty likes it when I gamble!' Thought Tsunade who was misunderstanding, 'I promise I'll be a great gambler Aunty!'

And that's was how Tsunade developed her love of gambling!

"I wuv you so mwuch Gweat Aunty!" Tsunade said as she hugged me.

"I love you too." I said softly as I returned her embrace.

Once she let go she ran off to play.

"I'm going to go play with Dan-kun!" She chirped as she ran off.

Tobirama walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"So she beat you huh...?" I asked.

"Well....I let her win..." Tobirama confessed.

I nodded...then...

I hit Tobirama on the head!

"WHY ARE YOU TEACHING HER TO GAMBLE?!" I yelled at him, "It's enough that Hashirama spoiled her and taught her to gamble a bit but now?! You're making it worse!"

Tobirama nursed his head.


Tsunade would keep that coin forever as a reminder of her Great Aunt And Uncle. It would serve as a reminder of them after they died.

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