Your Name

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For the first time ever Butsuma was extremely concerned for his son Tobirama's well-being.

Well, it's not like he didn't care before it's just that usually Tobirama isn't the problem child. Usually it's Hashirama, so tell me how shocked do you think Butsuma was when he heard of Tobirama's erm...problem?

Tobirama was always fine until...well until he randomly started blushing and then he'd faint. Butsuma knew that something needed to be done.


On second thought he decided just to leave it to Hashirama. His eldest son was closer to Tobirama than he was.

The first time he saw it first hand was at dinner with his two sons.

(It was the night of the kiss)

Flashback no Jutsu!
Butsuma wasn't really close with his two sons but that night he decided to at least make an effort. Plus he heard that his second youngest son wasn't doing too well.

"So..." he drawled awkwardly, "How was your day?"

Hashirama was quick to start rambling about his day while Tobirama turned fuchsia and started swaying back and forth in his seat until he fainted.

His face landed right on the table with a thud sound that made both Butsuma and Hashirama cringe.
Release! (Kai!)

He was a little concern but figured it would be fine. After all, Tobirama was fine during dinner until he asked the question. He'll just asked people not to talk to him.

Or...he could ask Hashirama to experiment to see what words caused him to faint or not.

Hashirama agreed, he wanted to help his brother the best he could. Plus, it was kind of funny to see his usually stoic brother fainting like that.

So far only he and father had seen Tobirama's *cough* issue... and would keep it that way. What do you think would happen if the Uchiha learned of his weakness?

Though Butsuma admitted it was kind of humorous to see his usually stuck up son faint like that.


Luckily Tobirama was cured of his fainting spells. (Mostly)

What cured him? The fact that Tobirama managed to convince himself that YN was not there with him.

She wasn't there, therefore, he wouldn't faint. Problem solved.

The only thing that would cause him to faint would be if Hashirama teased him about girls. Any other time and he'd be perfectly fine.

But how long would that last?


I was training with Madara. And was extremely distracted to be honest.

I mean he was too's fine!

"Who kissed you?" Madara asked for the hundredth time.

"Hn." I answered vaguely.

'This is serious. She's not talking.' Thought Madara, 'I better start narrowing down candidates in a different way then...'

"Was he a good kisser?" Madara asked bluntly.

"E-Eh? W-what k...kind of question...?" I stuttered with a completely red face.

"Is he someone I know?" Madara pressed further.

An image of an adult Tobirama popped into my head making me pass out with nosebleed.

"Ack! Izuna!" Madara panicked when he saw blood, "Don't you dare die on me!
O-otou-sama!!! Help!!!"


By now Hashirama has figured out what the issue was, I mean it's kind of obvious if Tobirama fainted when anything related to girls or love was mentioned.

'Tobirama.......has a crush.' Hashirama thought.

It was an unusual and unfamiliar concept to wrap his head around.

Tobirama? Love? Girls? Only two of those three seemed to mix and Tobirama wasn't any of them.

The only issue that was left was this...

'I really want to meet this girl now!!' Hashirama whined mentally, 'But if I mention it then Tobirama will pass out!'

Plus he needed to inform Tobirama of the upcoming battle.

Well speak of the devil!

Tobirama had walked straight towards Hashirama.

"Ah Tobirama!" Hashirama exclaimed, "I just wanted to speak with you. We'll be fighting with the Uchiha Clan soon..."

Tobirama nodded, this was a great distraction from YN. Surely bashing Uchiha scum brains will help clear his head.

"Also...please don't faint." Hashirama begged.

Tobirama was taken aback, 'He's actually worried I'll faint? I'm not weak! That was just...a temporary condition...'

It was! Well, sort of... Tobirama had made the resolve of confronting YN about his feelings properly next time.

His new found determination was evident. He would not faint. At least...he's try not to.

Tobirama nodded stiffly.

"So....who's the lucky girl?" Hashirama said while wiggling his eyebrows.

Remember how Tobirama agreed to not faint? Well, he's currently having some trouble with that.

Tobirama fought a blush and the urge to faint. He felt himself becoming light headed but clung on to his consciousness nonetheless.

"S-She's...nice." Tobirama supplied lamely.

Hashirama wasn't satisfied.

"What's her name?" He asked.

Tobirama was about to answer with YN but then remembered her very words: An alias of course...

He didn't even know her real name. Suddenly it irritated him to no end. How could he fall in love with her if he didn't even know her real name?

"Why should I tell you?" Tobirama asked,   "You'll just try to tease me with her name or confront her."

In reality Tobirama said that because he didn't have the true answer.

He had a new goal: Learn her real name.

Tobirama was stubborn, he won't give up until he has the real name of the girl he loves.

Now how do think things would turn out if he knew?

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