No, You Can't Kill Them Madara...

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Did I ever say before that my life sucks? No? Well, Life sucks.

When life gives you lemons, sit down and throw a fit.

No? Not the saying? Well it is now.

Turns out that apparently because I'm the only daughter of the Uchiha Clan head everyone wants me. Namely the boys, the boys.

Don't get me wrong! I love the attention! I just feel really bad when they go home with bruises, burns and cuts all over because Madara pummeled them to the ground.

...also it's annoying. Annoyingly creepy.

Now, at first I was flattered. Really I was, but it just worsened. I hate it now. I finally understand what horrors Sasuke faced.

Honestly! It's terrifying! I can't go anywhere without being stalked, either by afar, or up close and personal.

You see... there are two types of stalkers that can be used to classify these people.

Luckily I don't have any Yanderes on my hands...

1. Infatuated with you but Shy:

Loves the you but is too shy to confront them, or even talk to them at all. May faint or stutter around the person of their affections.

2. I love you and I'll be damned if you don't know it:

Loves the person and isn't ashamed to flaunt it around. Will be competitive for affection and will actively seek acknowledgment from person.

 Will be competitive for affection and will actively seek acknowledgment from person

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"I hate boys..." I groaned.

Madara nodded from beside me.

"Yes, boys are awful beings. Never associate yourself with their kind.." Madara said seriously.

"You're a boy." I deadpanned.

Madara glared, "I'm your brother."

Madara sighed. What ever happened to the Izuna who'd always obey his ever word and idolized him?

The innocent Izuna who'd sneak into his room when she was afraid of monsters?

Now she had entered a brand new world, one he feared he'd fail to shelter her from

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Now she had entered a brand new world, one he feared he'd fail to shelter her from... boys....

It would have been different had Izuna been born a boy. Madara would be snickering at his misfortune and the armies of girls marching on a path to grab him and carry him away off into their love fantasies.

But, Izuna was not a boy.

Madara scrunched up his nose. He couldn't even imagine it. Izuna? A boy? That's funny! Hilarious even!

He couldn't possibly picture it.

Now...what ways could he try torturing and killing the boys that approached his beloved baby sister. (Just to clarify. No, he's not a yandere. More like sister complex.)

"Cut .........them up....." Madara mumbled, " their...wounds...."

"No, you can't kill them Madara." I said firmly. I was above murder, and trying to devour ghost peppers because it sounded cool.

Madara sighed, "Stop growing up."

"That's not going to happen Madara-nii." I sighed.

In reality I wasn't looking forward to growing up. After all, I'm fated to die and cause Madara to go crazy. How long do I have left to live?

Enough of those depressing thoughts. I stood up and tied my hair in a feminine way. It really made a difference. Without my hair tied up in a certain way I'd look like a completely different person.

I'd either look like a boy, namely canon Izuna; Or a girl, not exactly canon Izuna but pretty much the same.

It's funny how sometimes when I wear my hair a certain way people believe I'm a different person.

I walked down the hall to my room and shut the door. I untied my current outfit from training and took out a girly pink and purple one. One arm after the other I put on the new kimono and tied it.

'I think I'll explore the forest.' I thought decidedly.

I walked to the other side of my room and opened up a wooden box and took out a fan, not an ordinary one. It was made out of metal and could be used for fighting. It was great for manipulating my fire style, though it would be nice to have wind style.

I blinked.

Do I have wind style?

"It would be cool......" I mumbled as I walked to the window in my room.

Outside my window was a wall. Outside that wall was another wall, the inner wall, then outside that was the main wall, then finally the fourth wall. Also known as the outer wall.

In between the walls were different districts for clansmen. The outer rings were the defence walls, people would train their and guard the rest of the compound.

The middle wall was the civilian and shopping district. That's where most people lived and worked. It was inside so people would be more protected in comparison to the outer rings.

Then we have the inner wall, where I and most important people live. This is where the elders's and clan head's family live. It's the most protected place of the Uchiha compound, the center.

And how surprised would you be if you saw your older brother jump over those walls.

"Madara?" I asked incredulously, honestly where was he going?

Then the most obvious answer was presented.

'Ah yes. He's off to meet Hashirama.' I thought.

Swiftly I jumped out my window and followed in the same direction.

'Should I make myself known and meet Hashirama?' I pondered.

I could also sense Tobirama in the distance.

"Hn." Troublesome.

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