Epilogue (Not?!)

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"Someone has to be the decoy..." Torifu said gravely.

A silence.

I eyed Danzō as he struggled mentally and sighed.

Just as Hiruzen was about to speak I spoke up, "I will."

They all turned to me.

"No. I won't allow it." Tobirama said firmly, "I forbid you to do it as your Hokage."

Oh how funny it is he thinks he has the choice!

I glared at him, "And I refuse to listen."

"You must listen Izuna-hime." Kagami tried.

He messaged his temples and sighed, "I'll be the decoy. And that's final Izuna."


But I was already running towards the danger. What could go wrong? Oh I don't know just fighting some demon enhanced enemy that managed to kill my boyfriend oh well!


"Izuna?" Tobirama questioned as his heart sank. He could feel her chakra moving further and further from him, from his reach.

"Tch..." he cursed his fortune, "Everyone head back to Konoha, I'll go and try to find Izuna."

"But-!" Danzo protested.

"No." Tobirama interrupted before turning to Sarutobi, "Saru...when you return home...

...I want you to declare Madara Uchiha the Third Hokage."

Hiruzen gulped and nodded, "Yes!"


"Gyah!" I yelled in pain as a fist bashed into my rib.

"Take that you-!"

"Mangekyō Sharingan!" I hissed as I activated my dojutsu.

I was already dangerously low on chakra and knew I probably wouldn't make it.

Had I been full on chakra I'd definitely kill him easily.

Swiftly I leaped up and jump kicked him.

"Amaterasu!" I yelled as I produced black flames.

Kinkaku screeched in pain as his body was engulfed in flames.

I smirked in triumph before keeling.

"Ugh..." I was low on chakra, I had none left, I used it all for that last attack.

"Not...so fast...!" Kinkaku panted as he readied himself for at least one last fatal blow.

I felt Tobirama's chakra approach and widened my eyes.


Tobirama landed right beside me and shook in a furious rage.

Kinkaku (Who was still on fire) charged for me but switched directions to Tobirama last second.

I remembered the first time I unlocked my Mangekyō Sharingan and jumped in front of Tobirama.

Kinkaku was clawing my throat. He clutched my windpipe. Tobirama was terrified. He couldn't move, if he did he was worried Kinkaku would kill me.

"You're.....going....to die." I breathed out to Kinkaku.

"Oh...yes..." he agreed weakly, "But I'll snap your pretty little neck first!"

My eyes widened and I glanced back at Tobirama one last time.


"Tobirama! IloveyouIloveyousomuch!"



And that was the end of my life, the end of Izuna Uchiha.

Tobirama was furious. He was in pain. Were he an Uchiha, he would have unlocked the Mangekyō Sharingan.

He charged at a godly speed and stabbed Kinkaku. What he didn't expect was for Kinkaku to anticipate his move.

"Hehehehe...I'll do you a favour and let you meet your friend..." Kinkaku laughed painfully as his hand plunged through Tobirama's chest.

Each one of them had stabbed each other.

Tobirama had stabbed him through the head and Kinkaku had stabbed him through the heart.

Kinkaku fell down dead and his remains burned.

Tobirama stumbled around a little and fell into beside a tree, he crawled weakly to my body and shakily grabbed my hand.

"I-I.........Izu.....na..." he managed before succumbing to the bright light.

Tobirama Senju died.


Madara cried once he heard the news.

"I'm so sorry for your loss........
Hokage-sama." Hiruzen bowed.

Madara nodded weakly.

'I promise...I promise to protect this village and the Will of Fire!' He swore, 'For you...Izuna.'

For you...

Years later the retired Hokage returned from his wandering.

He tossed the young boy to the medics.

"Heal him." He ordered.

"Yes, Madara-Sama/Hokage-sama" the two nurses bowed.

Madara sighed, 'What on earth was that boy doing under a boulder?'

He knew there was a war going on but really? Was there no earth user?

He coughed harshly and chuckled, "I'm really getting old..."

Just then Lord Fourth walked in.

"Madara-sensei." Hiruzen greeted, "Thank you for saving Obito."

Madara nodded, "He's an Uchiha and he's one of us."

Hiruzen frowned, "The Council fears the Uchiha..."

Madara frowned, "I trust your judgment."

Hiruzen nodded, "I've chosen a successor for the 5th Hokage..."

Madara's eyes widened, "Really? Who?"

"...Minato Namikaze."

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