The Feeling...

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Hashirama was sometimes dense but he was no idiot. Or at least not all the times. He had been practicing a new style he'd been working on, wood style, when something just clicked.

"HE'S A GIRL?!" Hashirama screamed suddenly.

He remembered the most recent event that occurred at the stream yesterday when Madara's 'brother' almost collapsed. He was even wearing a girly kimono! Gosh!

Plus when Hashirama caught her... she smelt like sweet fruit and flowers. A strange scent for a boy...well....Hashirama did use girly shampoo... but he had a reason, it wasn't his fault his hair didn't cooperate unless it was girl's shampoo! He wanted to grow it long!

(Did shampoo even exist? Probably not but let's just roll with it)

After calming down from the revelation Hashirama grinned evilly.

"Time to play matchmaker~!" He sang, "Izuna is around Tobirama's age..."

To Hashirama the plan was perfect! Just get his Uchiha hating brother to love an Uchiha! Easy enough. Right?

This would help the Senju and Uchiha get along better.

Hashirama's shipping thoughts were broken by his younger brother himself who grumbled and muttered as he stomped past Hashirama.

Tobirama hadn't been quite himself since yesterday and even Hashirama knew something wasn't right. He seemed more anxious and irritable...

'No way...' thought Hashirama.
'Is Tobirama having a girl problem?'

Little did he know how accurate he was...


Tobirama was worried. Very worried. YN hadn't met up with him by the tree yesterday. He couldn't calm down. His whole body was reacting, it was practically screaming to go look for her. He was more tense and jumpy now.

But no, no his pride wouldn't allow him to go running to a girl. For a girl.

He was the second son of the head of the Senju Clan. A proud clan too. He had no time for girls. At least that's what he thought before meeting with YN.

'Screw it.' Tobirama thought while dashing towards their meeting spot. He didn't care anymore about his father's disapproval. He just wanted YN. He didn't admit it but he was having withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms from her smile, her laugh and her company.

Heck he almost wouldn't even care if she were an Uchiha. She's just too sweet.

Tobirama wondered what he would have thought of the Uchiha if she was one.

Would he hate her?

No. He could never hate her. But would she?

'If she were an Uchiha...would she hate me?' Thought Tobirama dejectedly, 'After all... I'm a Senju.'


I was completely recovered from my chakra exhaustion.

'I wonder if I meet with Tobirama if he'll recognize me as Izuna...' I thought dejectedly.

In all honesty, I was terrified. What if he did? What if he hated me? Tobirama was known for hating Uchiha.

You know what...?

"Screw it." I muttered before dashing off to the meeting place.

I ran as fast as I could towards the tree we always meet at.

Approaching, I saw a white head. Not the annoying kind that appears on your face but a person with a literal white head.

'Tobirama?' I thought with a smile.

"Tobi! Tobi-kun!" I called while grinning.

"YN-chan?" He asked before waving back. I was the only one allowed to call him that. And heck, he made sure of that.

I jumped over a tree root and walked to his side.

"That's my name!" I grinned, "Don't wear it out!"

Tobirama rolled his eyes.

"I'm glad you're okay..." he whispered underneath his breath.

"Did you say something?"

"No." He responded a little too quickly.

I smiled and started apologizing, "I'm sorry for not being able to come yesterday! I was sick!"

'Oh.' Tobirama thought as he could've sworn he saw an angelic halo around me when I smiled, 'She's an angel...'

"'s okay..." He squeaked with a blush, "I'm glad you're feeling better..."

I laughed, " too!"


Tobirama could feel his heart pounding fiercely in his chest and gasped.

'N-no...stop it! You're friends! Just friends!' Tobirama scolded mentally, 'Don't... don't.'

"Are you okay?" I asked him concerned.

"Y-y-yeah!" Tobirama stuttered with a red face. He jumped back at least 2 meters and covered his face with his hands.

'Oh no! I'm blushing aren't I?' Thought a mentally panicking Tobirama, 'I stuttered? Damn...damn it! How is it that she makes me feel this way?'

It was just a little crush! A small one! Right...?

'I can't let this feeling control me!' Tobirama thought, 'I won't be able to think rationally!'

"I...I need to go!!" Tobirama suddenly stammered before bolting back home.


What just happened?

"That's what I want to know..." I said, "And stop breaking the forth wall!"


Tobirama was now locked in his room breathing heavily.

'What the heck is happening to me?' Thought Tobirama, 'I can't like her that much... so why the heck is my body feeling like this?'

He didn't understand it. He couldn't even think properly. All Tobirama knew was that he had a strong urge to protect his friend.

A sudden increase of his heartbeat at the thought of his friend made him realize.

"Or maybe I do....?"

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