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Never in known history had a day gone so wrong in so many places...

It did not even start out fine for 5 o'clock found darkness in Gage's room, 6: 30 found Gage tangled in the sheets, still quite deeply asleep- and then finally, 8:15 rounded the corner and as if realizing that he was getting quite a bit too much sleep- Gage shot up as if electrified and rolled right out of bed.

" Fuck!" Gage cursed, he pushed himself off the floor, massaging his chest- what was a pen doing there?

More curses and profanities left him and he came to see the time, rushing out of his room, Gage found himself into the hall of his apartment where he entered through a door and stripped down and jumped into the shower.

He was out under 10 minutes and was rushing off towards his rooms still cursing- how could he have forgotten a towel? And why on earth had he wet his hair!?

By 8:30 Gage had already pulled on his boxers, scrub pants and was in the process of pulling on his scrub shirt when the alarm clock on his nightstand suddenly begin to buzz.

Gage gave it a most murderous look before pulling on his shirt, slipping on his shoes, grabbing his necessary items and heading out the door.

Gage descended the curling steps and met his landlord on his way. Mr. Perkins was a very merry man who as Gage saw it, was quite a blabber.

" Gage, M'boy-" Called the man as he turned from the mail box area.

" No time, Mr. Perkins," Gage called over his shoulder." late like hell, see you when i get back."

" Alright then." Mr. Perkins called.

Gage looked at his watch, cursed and sped up....Finally, his car came onto was nothing quite flashy; just a simple Nissan Rogue SV....nothing too over the he liked it.

Gage unlocked the driver's side door, hauled in his bag into the Passenger seat and got in....The smell of mint penetrated his nose and he nodded in content as he started the car and pulled out of the parking lot of his apartment complex.

Shikamaru's theme song from his favorite anime begin to play through the car and Gage immediately reached into his pocket in search of his singing phone, yet his pockets proved themselves deep and the more he reached in his sitting position- the further the phone slid into the pocket.

Gage was probably his proctor calling, in want of explanation as to why he is late for their A-list appointment.

Gage sped up and swerved into another lane...and this cost him most dearly in his turn for two minutes after these actions...a blare caught his ears and a police car came into his line of sight in his rear view mirror.

" Oh, Come on!" Gage exclaimed as he pulled over onto the side of the road and watched the police car down the same.

A tall balding man got out of the cop car and walked toward Gage's car.
He tapped the window and Gage pressed the button and brought it down...coming face to face with the man.

" Listen, Sonny, " The man begin, taking his black shades off very slowly as if for effect.  Gage rose and eyebrow. " that was a 60 you we're doing there...the speed limit is 30."

Gage ran a hand through his hair, and to his annoyance found that his loose curls were all still very much drenched. " I'm sorry, officer; I'm just late for work and I'm just trying to get there."

" At a 60?" said the officer, a cocky air flying about him.

Gage narrowed his eyes. " I could do 80 too, either way, i just need to get to work."

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