Nash says no

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"Are you the doctor ?" A woman with dark brown hair and Similar eyes asked Abruptly.

Gage bit back a retort of asking whether it mattered, before he did.

"No, That would be Nash. I'm her intern." Gage said as he hoisted his clipboard higher, and clicked the top of his pen. "So, how is it so far? Any malaise? Fever? Swollen feet or nausea? Any Discharge you're worried about?"

Gage  was just in the middle of scribbling down something the woman seated  on the bed had said and described when a blond woman rushed into the room, her nose deep into a stack of papers kept at bay by a clipboard.

Emily Nash took charge almost immediately, the air shifted; whereas before, Gage had been at the mercy of the patient who had been asking snark questions and giving him nasty looks since she had arrived, Emily carried with her a snappish, business-like air that allowed no nonsense and no cheek.

The woman placed a hand on her swollen stomach apprehensively as Emily looked up from her papers and gazed at her then turned to Gage.

"Gage, You're here. Good that." she nodded, sliding into business mode as she smoothed the collar of her coat and walked further into the room.

Nash walked towards Gage, placed down her clipboard onto the marble counter and  took the clipboard from him and as her eyes skimmed over what he'd written, Gage allowed himself a moment to think;

He didn't know why he was in this room, for he was suppose to have been helping Dr. Novak this day but when he had come in a few hours past, the secretary had redirected him to this floor as he signed in.

Why did Nash need him here for?

As far as he was concerned, Gage had had enough of Nash's patients- for all of the one's he'd met had been complete meanies, now granted half of them had been pregnant yet it never was a reason to be rude, was it?

but then thinking back, Gage could think of a few patients who he wouldn't mind treating again...especially-

Gage shook his head.

it was the sound of the clipboard being closed shut that recalled Gage from his mind.

"Mrs. Greenborough, We have a few things to get in order; your symptoms or rather, Complaints...make no sense at all,"  Nash begin as she turned on her heels and took a few steps towards the brunette. "you say that you keep bleeding from your Vaginal regions. Yet, you found out by Google that you do not have any cervical disease and you don't think it's vaginal dryness because again google said so, Is that right?"

Mrs. Greenborough nodded.

Nash hugged the clipboard to her chest. "And you're sure that it cannot be vaginal Dryness?"

"Well, of course not," Mrs. Greenborough answered in a high pitched tone that expressed her clear longing to say; 'Duh!'

"Anderson, what do you think?" Nash called over her shoulder, her blue eyes on Gage and her face slack with what Gage understood to be annoyance.

Gage pushed himself off from his rest place on the counter and cleared his throat. "She mentioned light brown discharge; so I am leaning towards either inner friction or Vaginal dryness for the discharge could be blood and normal discharge mixed and kept in for days and then released when the uterine gets loose."

"Are you saying that I am loose?" Mrs. Greenborough's eyebrows went down in what looked to be upcoming anger.

Gage shook his head. "No, Mrs. Greenborough, every woman's uterine gets a bit stretched naturally."

And yet, she still seemed quite angry.

"Well, my thighs always hurt too and my feet are swollen the size of-"

Emily turned back to Mrs. Greenborough. "The swollen feet are normal pregnancy symptoms, this is your second pregnancy, you say?"

Mrs. Greenborough rose a hand to wave the question away. "Well, Timmy was an easy birth- no vomiting, no swelling and he slipped right out too."

Emily nodded. "Now, here's what I think: I think you and your husband are having sex, I think he's being a bit too rough, he's ramming you through-"

Gage was caught off guard so suddenly by this that he snapped his neck in his haste to look at his superior. "Nash!"

But Nash did not seem to mind her own bluntness and went on without much of a hitch. "-and I think you should tell him to stop or at least gentleman up a bit. It's easy, go to him and say, 'Rick, I love you but I love our baby too so while I'm pregnant, love me correctly.' And boom, all cured up."

Mrs. Greenborough turned a deep shade of crimson in one go- she did not turn pink and steadily upgrade to a darker went straight to crimson and stayed there. "A-alright then."

Nash seemed to enjoy her effect on the woman and inclined her head.
"Very good, that should put a stop to the bleeding and brown discharge as well as the pain in the thighs. If the bleeding continues and you're not having sex; come in straight away and if I am not here- Request Anderson here."

Emily walked forward and helped her off the bed and soon, Mrs. Greenborough had gone and Nash had come back into the room; she slammed the door behind her and lumbered over to the bed and dropped herself on it, letting out a a long sigh.

Gage watched her.

"Jesus Emily," Gage shook his head as he lifted himself up to sit on the counter, moving away a jar of long cotton swabs. "how do you even keep a job?"

From the bed, Nash rose a hand. "I don't know what you're talking about, I think I handled her perfectly. I just can't stand it when they come in here misinformed, patients- one thing I hate, is when they give you their own diagnosis based on internet searches. It bugs the crap out of me. Google my foot."

Gage grinned and thought. 'Emily Nash for ya.'

Gage pulled out his phone and a comfortable silence settled over the room but then, Nash sat bolt upright and hopped off the table. "Shit, my appointment at 3. Got Gonorrhea, that girl does- mad young too."

Gage looked up from his phone. "Am I tagging along with you or do you want me to find Novak?"

Emily picked up her clipboard and walked into the back room then back out and headed towards the door. "You've completed your 50 STD case quota so I see no reason to drag you with me, head to Novak, he's having a birth, I think...due date."

Gage nodded and looked back down at his phone, beginning to answer his sister's message, though mid-through this action- Emily back tracked into the room and said. "I almost forgot, you've been assigned to that patient we saw last week; Ms. Jenner.  You're going to be her main doctor and you will assist her birth, and you're now her House call doctor so you're to be visiting her home every 2-3 days and document your reports to be handed to me, Novak will fill you in further."

And she walked out of the room and did not come back...leaving Gage staring at the door, a blank look on his face.

House call?

Had he heard that right? But yes, indeed...

He was being set to tail Kylie Jenner.

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