Climax. Screw. Luck

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Just to show just how unlucky Gage was....

It was to be seen that on Monday, when February 12th made its grand entrance, his misfortune peaked spectacularly.

Now It'd been a good two weeks since he'd heard from Kylie and he was forcing himself to believe that he was better off for it.

He was still quite anxiously awaiting his results and consequently was overdoing his intern hours more than ever. To outsiders, Gage looked fine enough, but in reality, that man had never been such a mess in his life.

Granola bars became Breakfast, dinner, and supper. Whatever else he could manage between appointments always ended up a crumpled mess in his pockets that he had to later coax out with coke and vinegar. Territorial Migraines turned into old friends, dark circles powdered his eyes and his lips lost color like he hadn't known water a day in his life.

Then it all came to a stop.
When he came in that Monday, Gage went straight to Nash and while nosing around her appointment schedule, his eyes landed on her name and the violent merry-go-round he'd been on these past few days suddenly came to a stop. Al

Kylie was due back at the hospital at half past four this day for a routine post-birth checkup and staring at her name just there, something stirred inside him. Looked up as if it was seeing the light for the first time since being thrown down a pit.

"Oh my god." Gage heard the words out his mouth before he could breath. "Nash I'll owe you forever,  treat you to dinner the rest of your life—just let me-"

"Take her." She didn't even look up. Then she did and that weird grin came on her face like she knew a juicy secret. "You're talking about Jenner, right? Dr. Anant was supposed to have her but he was more than happy to give her up, too high profiled. It's my gift to you, so take her and stop moping around my office. You're fucking up my mood and my husband keeps paying for it."

Gage started to laugh and when that subsided, it turned into a smile...but what came after that? His face fell, his eyebrows crossed and Gage suddenly remembered why he'd been so down, suddenly remembered the events that had caused him to start giving Kylie the long arm in the first place.

It took all he had to refuse, he wanted to see her so bad! But soon as that guilt came up, Gage couldn't even stand to think about what had happened without feeling sick, so he thanked Nash and told her to pass it along to another. And while she didn't say anything of it, Gage could feel Nash's eyes on him while they did paperwork, almost as if she was trying to see what made him tick.

She had lunch plans with her husband so around four past noon, she left Gage in her office, promising to bring something back. But he couldn't wait, the lapse in consciousness had made him realize how bad he'd been playing with his stomach, so what did he do? He played with it some more.

Instead of ordering something healthy, or even something that'd keep him full of energy awhile, Gage went down to the 12th floor, locked eyes with a vending machine and splurged. When he returned, arms full of crinkling bags of junk and short-term energy, the elevator stopped at ten and a woman backed into the elevator.

Either nosy or observant, Gage noticed two things about her that it took the other three passengers another five minutes to figure out; the woman was first, Pregnant, and on a second, trembling like she was sunbathing in Antarctica.

Chew, chew, chew.
Chocolatey almonds cracking under his bite, Gage kept an eye on her just for the shaking. He wasn't sure what he was expecting but not this, not for the woman to turn around, notice him and drop.

Close as he was, Gage lunge and caught her—he immediatly went into alert mode and barked at the person nearest to the commands to veer the elevator down to the closest floor.

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