-And bingo was his Name-o

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"I don't want to fight," Gage begin very carefully and calmly so to show that he meant it, for with all the trouble he had went through to trap Katie where he wanted her after days of her avoiding him, he was not about to scare her off now. "About the things we've been through...I just want to talk."

Plastered as far away from Gage as she possibly could put herself in the confined space that was the 10th floor elevator of Cedars-Sinai's, Katie looked up and down and about her...seemingly trying to find a way out.

"G-gage, let me out." Katie said immediately.

She was white as a sheet and shaking...though, Gage could not pinpoint just why she was like this...He hadn't done anything to her.

"Not until you agreed to go out to dinner with me." Gage shook his head, his hands deep in his pockets clutching his phone and car keys.

A bit of the old Katie seemed to flicker through for just a minute as Katie sucked her teeth and glared at Gage. "Look, kid- I don't have time for your games right now."

"Katie, I've trapped you in an elevator—does this look like a game?" Hairs rose up on Gage's neck and like that, he suddenly became very aware indeed how he sounded.

Then he looked at Katie, who seemed to have remembered her fears, and saw the effect 10 times worst. So he backed up, way across so she had her face.

it was quiet in the elevator for a minute as the Anderson boy pinched the bridge of his nose and thought for a minute.

He needed to get Katie to accept his request and since the electrician could not keep their elevator shut down without it being noticed for too long, Gage only had a few minutes more to spare.

"Look we've both got wisdom teeth, you don't owe me anything and I certainly won't force myself on you." Said Gage. "I really am sorry it came to this, but i'd really appreciate it if you come. I don't bite, Katie, I just want to talk-"

"But I don't." Katie shut him down. "I don't want to talk, I don't want to go out to dinner, i don't-"

Disappointed that his plan no longer was going how he had seen it, Gage ran his right hand through his hair as he blew out a long breath...he became even more disgruntled than he already was when his hand came back wet and dripping with water...

He shook the water off in annoyance and quite engrossed into that lot, he took absolutely no notice of the little laugh that left Katie Hayes.

"Washed your hair lately?" Came Katie's voice still full of laughter, stopping Gage in his movements.

Gage looked up slowly, saw her smile and nodded. " Yeah, Few hours before I came in, I did...but it's been hours and they still haven't dried up!"

Katie laughed even more at how annoyed Gage seemed and Gage, who was glad for the lift of atmosphere did not comment as to how hard Katie was laughing...he did not find it quite that funny.

Katie's laughter begin to die down as she begins to speak again. "You know, My sister, Ella- she lays u-"

"-upside down for an hour until hers are dry." Gage said softly as he regarded Katie from underneath his eyelashes, a questioning tone hidden deep within the hazel orbs.

It wasn't the first time that he was hearing of Katie's sister, it was just the first time he was actually hearing her name.

Gage could not see a future in Katie's eyes but the fact That she had done something as insignificant as telling him her sister's name after so much secrets, gave him hope...just the slightest sliver of it...

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