The Lapdance

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"Hey, Kendall."

Before Gage, surrounded by a group of her very beautiful friends stood Kendall Jenner.

"Wouldn't have expected to see you here out of all people?" Kendall smiled as she waved away her friends and walked towards Gage, her plum colored dress seeming to tighten around her midsection as she walked.

In his white three-piece suit and brown leather shoes, Gage gave a chuckle and nodded. "Wow, thank you."

Kendall grinned. "No, I meant like after what happened with Kylie; cause you know that hit her hard."

Gage suddenly became very aware of himself; his head abruptly seemed too big for his shoulders and he looked down as the realization hit him; Kylie was at the party.

Quite soon after that, Gage left Kendall's company for a little pick-me-up at the hotel party's open bar; yes, 10:12 found Gage at the open bar, neck deep in a dirty margarita.

He'd only just finished his seventh and was on his eighth, when God got impatient.

Gage swirled his straw through the drink and picked up the wedge of lemon from the rim of the cup. It was just as he was about to put it to his tongue that the most forbidden fruit that he had ever known walked up, seemingly out of nowhere.

Gage was drunk but he was sober enough to recognize who had just sat beside him and when he finally came around to that realization, he made to  leave.

He stood quickly and was on the verge of veering off the stool when Kylie, suddenly Superwoman, pushed him back down onto his seat.

"Happy new year's eve, Gage." Kylie stated, as if the man hadn't just tried to run away from her.

"Ditto." Gage replied stiffly as Kylie ordered a Rosé.

The music had increased in the background and Gage could not understand why, but so had the crowds' voice- it was louder than before and Gage in his tipsy state had noticed that.

It was no surprise either, Gage had always been a weird drunk; for when he got deep in the bucket, his attention always went to the details...the little things and currently-

"So, how have you been?" Kylie thanked the waiter as he placed before her, a wine glass over a blood red napkin.

Gage hiccuped. "Well enough. How about you? And the kiddie?"

"Stormi's fine; gosh, she's getting so big, Gage- she's like this tall, now." Kylie used her hand to show Gage the said measurement [at her upper calf].

And when Kylie spoke, two things caught his continually evading attention the most; One, Kylie had avoided speaking of herself and two, speaking of her daughter had brought a smile to her lovely face.

Gage also noticed how unbothered he was, usually, even seeing Kylie would have him burning in guilt but as he sat with her at that very moment before the bar counter...slowly sipping his drink as she did the same... He realized that there was no other place in the world that he would have rather been. That struck him as a bit odd for, on the other hand, he felt outnumbered and not to mention; incredibly out place.

It was 11:01 and the crowd was getting more and more excited while Gage- who was still at the bar with Kylie- was getting more and more drunk; he must've been on his twentieth Margarita when Kylie decided to finally put a stopper to his supply.

So, she decided to remove him entirely from the boozy scene; Kylie stood, her bag right under her arm as she moved to Gage's right and tried to help him off his seat.

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