You want Crazy?

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Up on the 11th floor of Cedars-Sinai's hospital, Gage Anderson was feeling worn-out...

He had just finished a long 10 hour shift and was aching and covered in blood everywhere.

Yet, he could not go home was on the schedule for another double shift and he...wanted to jump.

Of course, Gage had much bigger problems on his plate aside from his ungodly work hours; The patient Gage had restrictedly operated on had died after just two days of having woken up.

Several of Gage's patients were bordering on their due dates as January packed its bags to leave and Gage found himself covered in baby juice damn near every day.

Gage still hadn't returned to Calabasas and conducted his meetings on Skype with her...keeping everything so suffocatingly professional that if Kylie even mentioned something that wasn't about her pregnancy, Gage ignored it.

He knew he was going about it in a drastic way but the way his saw was better that way...better for her.

-And then there was the affair of Katie Hayes, Gage hadn't seen her in 8 or 9 days and was getting increasingly uneasy about it.

So, quite tired of watching his phone bill mount higher and higher due to his continuously unanswered calls, Gage decided to find her himself.

And he threw himself into that; calling in favors from other nurses who worked in Katie's ward and From the old receptionist Reba, who manned the first floor.

Reba came through by making sure that before submitting Employee sign-in sheets to the higher-ups, that it ended in Gage's hands and soon it was quite obvious as to why he kept missing Katie; she had changed and limited her shifts opposite to Gage's so that by the time Gage came in, she was long gone.

He did not want to cause a scene in the children's ward, So... he decided to trap her in place where she would have nowhere to run and no choice but to talk to him.

Gage knew how it sounded for Nash had already called him about 4 different types of crazy but Gage was tired of Katie's running And so, he went on.

Monday, he checked in early to help Nash with their patients and review for his Lobotomy exams, and had a little talk with the Hospital's head janitor and the Electrician. At the end of his talk with both, Gage bid them to keep everything under wraps, especially from chief doctors and went about his tiring Day.

Gage was still at the hospital as that Monday bled into Tuesday, he stayed there until 8 and almost crossed paths with Katie yet she again saw him and bolted and as he was on the top of the stairs and Katie was on the ground floor level, he had no chance to catch up so he let her go.

Wednesday, Gage had the morning and afternoon off and hung with Big and Jetty at the Track, Big, who as Gage explained his troubles, had a right laugh...contrary to Jetty who simply hid her face in her hands.

" You fucking idiot, it's obvious what happened, isn't it?" Big coughed out between his cackles.

Gage Never heard just what Big had on his mind, for then his beeper went off and he rushed home for his scrubs; A patient had arrived with blood running down her leg and about a cupfull's lost of clear liquid.

Wednesday bled Thursday with Gage with a patient, and by 7 o'clock of that afternoon, Gage fell asleep in Nash's office to be woken up by the said woman at 9.

Thursday went much of the same as his previous day...quite busy. Gage only had a coffee and a fruit cup for that whole day and it showed several times, for during several check-ups with several different patients, Gage's stomach rumbled quite loudly.

Finally, Friday arrived and Gaged rolled out of his bed at 11 am, he first completed a few notes and watched a few videos on, then he showered, dressed and set out.

He drove to Au bon pain and brought 2 coffees and a few scones for he and Nash and then he headed to the hospital.

Ginny briefly called him to tell him about something he'd seen on the news but when Gage heard Kylie's name, he switched the subjects.

Between the drive to the hospital, Gage learned that a girl named Ashantay Terrence was irking Ginny and that a boy named John Bistramo had Ginny's undivided attention. Gage also learned that Ginny's best friend, Raquel had, as Ginny put it, 'switched up' on her and as he pulled up into the hospital's parking lot, Gage bid her to be careful and mindful of herself before hanging up.

Enveloped into his navy blue scrubs and a black long sleeved jacket, Gage headed straight to the children's ward, where he met up with a tall brunette in a buttoned up lab coat and scrub pants.

With a rather severe face, and eyebrows that gave her a permanent scowling look, Lilou Avery would not have been a soft parent's first choice for a babysitter.

Yet, as the head of the Children's ward, a certified Pediatrics Doctor, and one of Katie's bosses, Gage believed that she was the best and most important piece in his plan.

" Doctor Avery." Gage greeted the woman who had agreed to help him only because Nash had pried into the lot.

Avery nodded. " Intern Anderson, I expected that you remember the plan?"

Gage stared at her for a minute. He had been the one to propose the plan, had he not? "Yes, Ma'am."

The pair left it at that and Gage visited the Electrician who for the night, had decided to come in.

Gage went through the plan with him once more and finished the meeting by synchronizing his watch to the man's so the timing was perfect.

Then he went up a floor and off to work, Gage went back and forth between floors for patients and equipment and additional nursed- all while keeping a vigilant eye on his watch.


At exactly 11:39, Gage begin to make his way towards the elevator of that floor and when he entered the full electrically operated carriage, he waited for it to empty...until everyone had reached their floors before, taking in a breath. Nash's relentless teasing earlier ran across his head...she'd called him 10 different kinds of whipped and that included 'crazy'.

Jamming his finger onto the number that would drive the elevator up to the more quiet 10th floor, Gage crossed his arms over his wide chest and drummed his fingers onto his arms.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and Gage pulled it out and put it to his ears.

"She's up and heading to you now." Came the Janitor's voice.

" Excellent," Gage nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Villar."

Gage looked at his Watch and just as he did so, A ding filed the Elevator and the doors slid apart and a blond woman shuffled in with a box.

The elevator doors closed and she pressed for the third floor. Katie Hayes seemed in her own zone and did not notice just who was in the elevator until it was to late.

She turned her head, saw Gage, Dropped the box and turned back to the elevator's control panel and begin to hammer at it....the box long forgotten.

Gage stayed calm and kept his eyes on his watch and then. "Now."

The elevator gave a brutal shake and the lights went off.. Everything stopped completely- They were no longer moving anywhere.

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