Apple watch may break my bones

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As the last few sprinkles of January breezed by, Gage Anderson found himself feeling the most uncertain he had ever felt yet...

He was uncertain about his words, uncertain about his skills, uncertain about his memory, his steps and even his lunch choices started to sound doubtful to him.

This feeling could not have come at a worst time for the test of Gage's life was looming over him by a matter of days and...when Gage thought about the test and all that it could cost him; uncertainty went to a whole new level.

And this test was quite dire....very important...for it wasn't just a test, it was the test; the big-daddy-magic-Mike test of medicals,the Grand POOH-BAH of the medical field Exams and Gage was nervous up to his teeth.

Yes; in the next day, Gage would be taking part 3 of the USMLE and as he sat on the floor of his living room with papers, notebooks and his macbook open to a myriad of notes spread out in a semi-arc around him, Gage felt uncertain again. His mind continuously deserted him to wander off to Kylie and to Katie's betrayal.

Gage still hadn't managed to forget about Katie since it had only been a few days and for the fact that she continually was calling him and filling up his mailbox with voicemails. Gage wouldn't be forgetting about Katie nor Greeley for a long time for after he'd punched Greeley; he and the said Cad had been hauled off to LaBeau's office, where Gage had had the pleasure of seeing the top of LaBeau's bald head turn a ripe red worthy of a pomegranate in anger.

" STRIKE FUCKING TWO, ANDERSON!" LaBeau had screamed so loudly that Gage had thought that he was bordering on exploding.

-and then there was the problem of Kylie, who Gage was still avoiding like the plague for shame and guilt still showered him every time he thought of what he had done. Gage would've loved to see her, to see her beautiful face, hear her delightful voice and touch her pumping tummy but he...he simply could not bring himself to face her.

Ginny was starting to act up in school and by Gage's mother, he had learned that Ginny had jumped at a girl's chest in anger and uh....and won. Gage would never have admitted it to his mother but when he had driven down there that Saturday, and spoken to Ginny, he'd slipped her a small high five for when one truly heard Ginny's story, they immediately understood that while what She'd done had been uncalled for, Ginny had simply been defending herself.

"-threw that tae straight at me- wet my whole asno. unecessary too cause i don't even know the asong."

"Watch your mouth, Gin."

Gage's father had been working 16 hour shifts back to back for 2 months now and Gage's mother who now barely saw much of her beloved husband begin to get somber and it fell to Gage to comfort her whenever he wasn't busy worrying about his other 99 problems.

12 am came in with Gage's stomach protesting for food and several unanswered calls and texts to find Gage still cramming; his hazel eyes were running left to right along pages of notes that looked so messy, it should've been impossible for anyone to read it.

at 1 am, Gage ripped off his apple watch and tossed it aside; it had been vibrating from Katie's texts for several hours now and was starting to irk the crap out of the already pissed off Gage.

2: 30 am rolled around with a staggering headache so strong that Gage was forced to stop his cramming and swallow down 2 cups of noodles, slurping style.

Gage finally went to bed at 2:45, only to dream about Katie sitting on his chest with a baby stabbing at his chest with knife. Gage woke up in minimal yet cold sweat for nobody in their right mind would ever find a baby holding a knife that sharp normal.

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