Surprise, you Ass

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Out from what looked to be a supplies' closet down the long hallway of Cedars-Sinai's 10th floor...

Gage stumbled out...his chest heaving with the effort of trying to capture more air into his lungs.

His face bore a red hue as beads and rivulets of sweat gathered and ran down from his forehead and neck down to his chest area where they disappeared under his green scrub shirt- said shirt of which, Gage was still trying to adjust enough to hide the love bites on his chest and neck....these new ones sat innocently by the old love bites which were now a dark purple-ish red and were disappearing ever so slowly.

Gage steadied his footing and turned around just as the closet door swung open again to reveal a small, freckled blond; Katie.

Katie's hair has come out of its usual bun and looked in dire need of a brush down, her face was a ruddy red and her lips looked just the slightest swollen...perhaps due to a recent and long snogging session?

This hallway on floor 10 always was a bit deserted so they needn't have worried at being spotted or overheard and as Gage took Katie into his arms, he grinned freely. "Did you manage to find your bra?"

Katie rolled her eyes. "No. Your fault too, Mr. Gage just had to be rough."

Gage smirked and cupped Katie's cheek. "Yes, I love it when you call me Mr. Gage- we've got a few more minutes, haven't we?"

Katie pushed away from him with a laugh and hit him over his left shoulder. "We've got to get back to work, you big Pervert."

And she begin to walk off down the hallway in the opposite direction. Gage walked after her until he caught up, shoulder to shoulder as they neared the elevator.

They entered the elevator and Katie Jammed her finger onto her floor number. Gage leaned against the cool glass behind him and cleared his throat. " So, did you think about it?"

Katie looked around at him. " hm? Think about what?"

" Our date," Gage answered. " I asked you before and I never did get a definite answer. We already did the deed so we're going to have to do this relationship affair backwards."

Katie was quiet and when the elevator slid open, she seemed quite too relieved for Gage's liking; she stood on her tippy toes, landed him a kiss to the cheek and sped-walk out of the elevator at the speed of a bullet.

Gage frowned as the Elevator begin to close...What was it with her?

When the elevator dinged again, it was to find Gage deep in thought and even as he walked out and into the packed halls of the 8th floor, he was still deep in thought.

Gage arrived before a polished wooden door and taking out a key, he opened the door and entered the room.

The walls around the door were lined with shelves filled with Anatomy and Maternity books and the walls facing the door were mounted with framed certificates and winning plaques.

A mahogany modern desk mounted with papers, framed photos of Nash's family and a wooden name plate and a plastic water bird greeted Gage further into the room and as he advanced towards the desk and picked up the foldered papers on it, Gage flipped open the folder.

Sighing, Gage closed the folder and threw a look at the Name plate on the desk;

Emily G. A. Nash
Expt. OB/Gyn
Board councilor

Nash had gone off to Pennsylvania the week before for a couple of conferences for the hospital and as her Personal favorite and trusted Intern- Gage had been trusted with the keys of her office and her medical cases until she got back.

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