Talk to me

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"Have E.R put electives on hold, the machine at the ready, move the orthopedic interns to floor 7 and move trauma 8 to bed 10 after thorough cleaning!"

The double doors of the O.R were suddenly thrown open as a team of people in scrubs and coats pushed a hospital stretcher through and forward towards a room.

Several medical professionals going about their own business swerved out of the way of the bed so to allow it through as a nurse in blue scrubs motor mouthed herself away with the patient's diagnosis.

"Gunshot wounds to the right occipital cortex and the left arm, possibly may have grazed the humerus, no exit wounds found- bullet's still lodged in, breathing spontaneously"

The lot arrived in a room and immediately the two nurses there begin to hook the patient onto machines and IV's.

The man on the bed was of a dark color and bleeding from his wound that his shirt was soaked and heavy.
The same female nurse from before continued to list the patient's diagnosis.

"-Respiratory rate 18, shallow, RST 120, BP 90 over 60, GCS 5 and crashing"

The few medicals in their coats looked at a lost for words and quite pale, and good too for it was their first time seeing so much blood up close as they were Interns.

The trained nurses looked about. "Where's the head doctor?"

Just as the other nurse opened her mouth to answer, a curly haired male rushed into the room, only just barely pulling on his coat- he had obviously dressed in a hurry and his inside out coat proved it quite clearly so.

" I'm sorry I'm late Dr-" Gage begin hurriedly only to cut himself off abruptly. It had only taken just one swoop of his eyes about the room to notice that there were no authoritarian figure about.

" Lin," Gage called in relief as he noticed the familiar face of his companion. " What's going on? I thought we started Rotation tomorrow."

" something came up, they suddenly changed it- " Lin answered as an eerie beep filled the room. " Gage, the patient- He's dying!"

Gage's eyes widened. " is that a real patient? Why are you lot just simply standin-" shaking his head to regain himself, Gage slid into business mode and ran over to the man, pushing past the 4 mortified interns. "Alright, Lin- Talk to me."

" He was dropped in front of the Hospital 20 minutes past with a gunshot to the occipital cortex and humerus and severe bleeding." Lin Recited as Gage cut open the man's shirt with a pair of surgical Scissors.

"Alright, Push 80 grams of manitol over 30, prep for intubation pronto, let's get a central line in here now!" Gage ordered and at his last, a nurse ran out of the room to complete the task.

Lin and Gage meanwhile we're working as if in sync, as the male nurse monitored the machines.

Seeming to shake out of his daze, a short bespectacled intern behind Gage suddenly seemed to grow a pair and stepped up. "We need to take the bullet out, Nurse-"

" What, you didn't study?" Gage snapped. " the swelling around the entry wounds are too much and we don't know where it's landed now."

" B-but-" the bespectacled youth tried but Gage was in a mode and so, he did not hear much of nothing that came out next from that youth.

" But Gage, We will eventually have to take out the bullets." Lin said as she pressed a small sheet over the head wound to try and curb the bleeding.

" We have to keep him breathing long enough to do that, first." Gage said as he applied pressure upon the arm wound. Gage turned back to the interns and his eyes caught a girl's and so he addressed her." You! Have the front desk page the doctor on call."

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