Nash's final say

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January's end was a breath away and it had been 2 weeks since Gage had taken the USMLE...

Nerves had him a wreck worst than he was when taking the test; the wait for the results were being drawn out and Gage was not there for it.

He worked tirelessly at the hospital, picking up extra and ungodly hours up and down and between dodging Katie, ignoring Greeley's  insults, and walking absolutely S.S around LaBeau, Gage was about ready to cash into his vacation days.

-And then there was Kylie- Being away from her was picking at him more than he'd first thought and Gage now often found himself  calling Morossa to ask her about Kylie- and since they were speaking medicals to medicals, the HIPAA rules weren't getting trampled too bad, were they?

It was January 31st, and 11 at night, Gage had just finished a square 34 hour shift, running on only 3 hours of sleep and a couple cans of Monster but he was fine...oh yes...for he was dreading sleep. If he slept, Gage was afraid that he would dream of his failure. Yes, waiting was getting to be killer.

But following his mother's advice, Gage was keeping a good mind about it...or rather, trying to.

Gage was on the first floor when it happened; he'd just finished signing out and signing his name and everything when all of the sudden both his beeper and his phone begin to go off.

Gage of course picked up his beeper first and his eyes ran along the message as water off of a table; a woman was in labor in the east wing and they were down on OB/GYNs.

Gage then looked over at his phone next to find Nash's words all over it. Mrs. Ebenezer, a prized patient of Gage's for her kindness and amusing jokes, was in labor in room 0591.

Without even thinking about it, Gage turned back towards the elevator and zoomed into it, practically buzzing from anticipation as he awaited to be dropped off on his floor. When the elevator next opened, it was to see Gage fly across its threshold and off.

Before long, Gage had arrived before room 0591 and from the outside could already hear a commotion; so, dropping his bag onto the floor beside the door, Gage pulled a pair of gloves from the compartment to the right and a mask.

He entered the room head down as he was tying his mask to his face properly but when he'd lifted his face, he failed to notice there again was no primary doctor in the room but a team of 4 adult nurses...also failed to notice the people grouped to the bed's right.

No, it was rather person in the bed that caught his attention...his undivided always.

"You..." Gage breathed as the hazel in his eyes intensified slightly as a ray of light hit it.

"Me." she answered almost immediately yet with a kind of reproachful dryness to it.

But Gage took no notice of it, because for a moment there...nothing made any sense...the same feeling that he got when he stood up to fast after a long period of sitting on his bottom spread into his every vein gradually; Vertigo.

His eyes poured into her own and everything from his very first meeting with her ran through his head...he couldn't tell the woman before him just how much he wanted to be the one for much he wanted to be the one at her side at the very moment as her lover and not her doctor...and then there was his fleeting attention span which had somehow suddenly been frozen in place.

Machines were beeping, people were video tapping, voices were over lapping one another and yet...he could not focus on any of those; he could not focus on anything but her.

 But finally, Khloe Kardashian- ever the mightiest, cleared her throat heavily, pulling Gage from the magnetic pull that was The one and only Kylie Jenner. " Alright, Romeo- Baby banging at the gates here, Juliet's ready to pop."

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