She said it, not me

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"So....How's your stool?"

Kylie's eyes popped open quite wide at this question and Gage's serious expression faltered and threatened to fall.

"I hardly think that's necessary-"

Gage shrugged. " What? I've got to ask, tells you exactly how the baby's doing and what it's lacking in its nutrition, better way to find out what to eat instead of greasy cravings."

Over in the background, Kendall was practically rolling around on the floor while Kris simply watched on with a smile. " Do what the doctor says, Kyles"

Kylie turned around to look at her mother and Gage saw the skin around her Jaw pull up...and Kris exploded into light laughter.

Kylie turned back and curled up her lip. " I don't know...I don't really look."

Gage gave her a quizzical look. " Come on, everyone looks, even if the paper dissolves in the water- they look."

" My paper doesn't dissolve, firm and black." Kris stepped in.

Gage looked over at the head matriarch. " Black paper? As in the sheet is black and everything?"

Kris nodded. " Oh, yeah. Everything in my house is either black or white."

" You're kidding." Gage breathed.

Kris shook her head. " No, I'll take you over some time- have a look for yourself."

Gage looked at his hands, his eyebrows still high into his hairline.

Kourtney shifted on the couch and looked at her mother. " Mom, don't you get scared of like...having Bits of black paper in your-"

"Oh, my god, stop it!" Kylie was on her feet at a surprising speed for a pregnant woman. The said girl rushed out of the living room and into the hallway and off towards the stairs of which she climbed.

" Oh, come on Kyles, I was just playing!" Kourtney called after her as Gage folded the clipboard under his arm and got to his feet, following after her.

He got to the top landing in about a minute and looked left and right for 2 different hallways stretched out those two different ways and Gage who had never been in the upper levels during his month of Visiting- did not know exactly where to go.

A soft thud directed him to his left and Gage rushed off that way and came before a door that was half closed and was only slightly cracked open.

He knocked...once, twice, thrice. " Jenner? Jen? May I come in?"

A sniffle echoed then came her voice. " Yeah."

Gage waited a minute, so that to give her time to gather herself if she was in a weird position or doing something suspect then he pushed open the mahogany door and entered into a room that stretched out wide and far into the largest Rectangle-square he had ever seen.

The walls were of a well furbished white and the lights that lined the top parts of the walls above gave off a cool purple light and then switched to a pink then to a blue.

Gage found her sitting facing the first window on the left on the large bed. Rounding her way, he found just what had fallen; a box full of what looked to be pictures.

In light of not seeming nosy, Gage averted his eyes to them and did not look. He instead crouched in front of her and asked in the most gentle voice he could muster. " I guess the talk of Fecal discharges don't really tickle you funny, huh kid?"

She looked over at him and Gage saw water swimming in those light brown eyes, taken aback he frowned.

" They use to..." Kylie begin, her plump lips barely moving. " I use to find so many things funny and now- I just don't. I'm not fun anymore."

Gage puffed up his cheeks with a look of Denial on his face. " Well, i'm sure that's not true-"

" Oh yeah? You've been here a month- what have you seen me do? Jordyn and the girls keep asking to go out but i...keep saying no and I don't know why!"

her left eye overflowed and a tear rolled out. " I keep getting scared that the Paparazzi's going to see me and-"

" And what?" Gage got serious, he placed the clipboard down and sat onto the carpeted floor in front of her, his hands interlaced with one another. " I mean, you've been in front of them basically since a tyke so what's the problem now?"

Kylie wiped her eyes onto her sleeve.
" I thought- you didn't keep up with us?"

" i don't," Gage said earnestly. " But my sister does; Idolizes you lot and when she gets done watching an episode- she doesn't shut up about it for weeks. Goes around asking What do you think on so and so and gets in a high temper when the answer isn't to her satisfaction."

Gage was happy to see that Kylie cracked a smile, a chuckle escaping her lips. " So, why does it bother you now? Being seen?"

Running a hand through her long, dark hair, Kylie looked down at her hands. " When Kim got pregnant with North..."

North....Gage remembered it...Ginny had picked a row with him for thinking it was a direction and was!

"- She chose to be public about and got trampled on her way to Greatness." Kylie blinked. " oh. the comments were horrible- she got compared to all sorts of animals; whales mostly."

" And you don't want the same to happen to you?" Gage asked in a tone indicating that this was still a working theory.

" I don't know," Kylie shook her head. " I'm not sure- not sure of anything anymore."

" Hey, hey" Gage called, his hand shooting out to touch her own before thinking better of it, and pulling it back. " You don't have to be sure of anything...hell, I'm never sure of anything-"

A tear escaped Kylie again. " And then there's Travis."

" Travis..." Gage said quietly. He....Gage had no idea just who-

Kylie let out an exasperated sigh. " My boyfriend, Travis- My baby's daddy, Travis. Travis Scott, Travis!"

Gage still had absolutely no idea but in an effort to get Kylie to stop her hysteria, he nodded as if he knew.

  She took in a deep breath. " I just don't think he finds me cool anymore."

" You're pregnant," Gage said bluntly. " that's about the last level of cool if you ask me."

Gage made a funny face and Kylie stared at him for a while before breaking into laughter.

  " Feel better?" Gage asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I love this baby," She touched her swollen stomach. " But ask me in 7 months."

Gage smiled. " Alright then, let's finish the Questionnaire so I can get out of here and record it." Gage picked up the clipboard and beat the pen against it. " We'll skip the stool question for now."

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