Cool Female-

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" So, you're my midwife?"

Gage made a sound. " No, I'm not your midwife."

" Yes, you are." Kylie retorted.

"Wha- no, I'm not a midwife! I'm an obstetrician gynecologist; I'm just going to be popping around every 2 days to check on you and your eating habits and go over the birth procedure as I am the one handling that as well." Gage explained explicitly, using his hands to mime a pair of scissors.

Kylie cocked her head to the side, with a clever look in her eyes. "Like a midwife..."

Gage started to protest but then Paused, his eyes unfocusing for just the slightest before they focused yet again and he let our a small groan and muttered. "Goddammit, Nash's made me a midwife- now, I'm damn sure this job was supposed to be hers."

Kylie laughed and At the sound, Gage felt his frown lessen a bit more. " Alright, midwife Let-"

Gage brought two hands up as if to call Time-out. " Midhusband- oh god, even that doesn't sound good."

Dropping into the bar seat before the white marble counter of the magnificent kitchen, Gage placed his forehead down onto it.

Kylie stood on the other side of the counter, her hair now free down her back and her under eyes just a touch darker. It had been 2 weeks of Gage visiting and they had begun to get along a bit more easier than the first few days of which had been filled with some awkward silences and snarky remarks; Gage still was not over his stolen Parking spot entirely.

Today, Gage Had gotten to the Jenner home to find Kylie alone there and felt quite relieved that her mother was not about; for a relatively nice woman, [as he came to find out] she scared something in Gage that he didn't know about.

" I'm hungry- The baby's hungry," Kylie said rubbing her stomach.

Gage picked his head off from the counter. " I can make decent eggs, decent Pasta,  i can even make some descent Wontons- decent any household food as long as it isn't too fancy or crazy."

Kylie sat down on one of the chairs, Raising a well shaped Eyebrow." You're going to cook for me?"

Gage got up and stretched. " Well, yeah- it's not exactly #1 safety rule to stand behind a hot stove while carrying life- so what will it be?"

" You are sooo my midwife," Kylie rolled her eyes, prolonging her third word for effect.

    Gage gave her a playfully warning look. " Careful now, Madame- you might find that my hands could slip and a bit of...this! Could end up in your breakfast."

Gage held in the air a groomed bottle of hot sauce that he had snatched from the countertop behind him. " oh, yes- le midhusband is not le midwife."

Kylie threw her head back, a laugh wrecking her little body as she shook her head, Gage crossed his arms over his well-built chest as he watched her, a tamed and hidden smile onto his face. Kylie brought her head forward and swallowed a bit of laughter to say.
"Something with eggs, I feel like eggs."

Gage leaned over the counter. " An egg burrito sounds good?"

"Wrap it up with something healthy- i don't want him or her to get hooked on junk food." Kylie agreed.

Gage nodded and stood. " Where are your ingredients and your pans."

Kylie directed him to a door near the wide 3-way fridge and opening it, Gage found himself in  a large pantry. He went up and down it, collecting his ingredients and bringing them out to the counter, he went back in and stopped right by the door when he noticed a basket full of eggs.

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