To kill or not to kill-

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"What do you mean you can't tell me the gender?!"

Gage sighed under his breath, the bags under his eyes intensifying as his eyes bore hard into the woman sitting before him in exasperation.

"Yet. I can't tell the gender, yet." Gage said slowly.

The woman frowned and rolled her eyes. " Doctors."

" No, I'd like to see you manoeuvre your way through-" Gage begin to mutter before realizing what he was saying and to whom...he shook his head and took in a breath.

He needed to calm down, because for all he knew; this woman could be a very nice person when not pregnant and pumped up on hormones.

" Ma'am, you're only 2 months along," Gage begin, thinking that if he explained to the woman just what was happening to the life inside her body, she would maybe grow out a bit of patience. "Your kid's heart has been beating for like only 6 weeks now after being formed not too long ago, the genitals have only just formed as well- if not still forming- meaning that it looks the same."

The anger seem to leak away from Mrs. Conway's face as confusion took it over. " What do you mean?"

Clasping his hands together, Gage adjusted his seat on the stool. " Well, see? Boy childrens' balls are first inside the body; then around 4 months along, the balls Drop to keep a better temperature- until then, the genitals look like a girl's and a girl's looks like a boy's. Before 4 months, the baby's genitals looks alike and we can't tell."

Mrs. Conway nodded her understanding. " so, I come back in-"

" 2 more months. Only then will I be able to find out if you're birthing a little Minnie or Mickey."

A few more minutes after this talk, Gage saw Mrs. Conway to the elevator where he begged her to go to lamaze class and pick up a few tricks on Babies.

He waited until the elevator had closed on her to turn his back and walk to meet with yet another Patient.


Gage was quite happy the next day - a  Friday- when Nash came back to the hospital....

For with Nash's duties added to his own, Gage had been working triple shifts back to back- he couldn't even quite recall just what he'd eaten for breakfast for the past few weeks.
Gage had never realized how much Nash really did in the hospital until now and eventually, he found himself begging God for her presence sooner than he'd have expected.

With little sleep and little peace, Gage's sleep schedule had gotten thrown into mass disarray and this did not only affect him but Katie as well;  for with Gage so knackered, he couldn't even bring himself to perform in the bedroom and this seemed to be driving Katie a bit mad.

  So, when he spotted the blonde Nash woman in one of her signature body hugging dresses, heels and her lab coat walking down the hall towards him- he nearly wept.

Gage rushed over to her, long forgetting Irma Lin who had been chatting him up about something that had been passing through his right ear and leaving through the left.

He enveloped Nash in a hug that lifted her right off the ground slightly and turned. " Gosh, i have never been so happy to see you."

Nash brought back her head in laughter and her blonde locks fell further down her back before going back up as their owner fixed her head upright.

" Never been so glad to be back." Nash responded as Gage released her. Nash walked around him and forward and Gage fell into steps behind her.

" I take it the conference didn't go well?" Gage yawned out as he shoved his hands into his pockets, blinking very fast so as to try to keep sleep from gripping him and pulling him down.

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