The captain has woken

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It had come at last...

after a year and several months of internship, Gage had finally managed to nick a whole weekend off work and it was all thanks to the one and only; Emily Nash.

After his first abortion, Gage had been assigned about 3 more that following week and this had begin to take a slight toll on him....having to assemble little parts after each procedure just was screwing with his mind; each time, he looked down at the parts, he thought what if that had been his child...or Ginny?

Nash had stepped in after his 10th one; after she'd witness Gage throw a scalpel and have it land in the wall with creepy accuracy- she'd had him finished the operation and had taken him off hospital ground to have lunch.

Now, as he lay back into his bed, absolutely shirtless with only a pair of black boxers serving as a barrier between his well sculpted bum and his feather soft sheets, Gage crossed is arms underneath his head and his slight muscles bulged.

it briefly passed through his heads whether he should give some of his buddies a call- most of them were either doctors, interns or still back in med school studying to get there....and then there were his friends from Orlando where his parents lived...ah geez.

Deciding to get out of bed, Gage completed the action and left his bedroom- his apartment was a bit bigger for just one person; before him stretched a creme carpet and to the left was a bay window and beside it was one of the first chairs that made up Gage's 4 to 4 Dining table. To Gage's right was a swinging door that led to the kitchen...a hallway led off to the main exit door and throughout the hallways were two doors; one led to a square room that was the laundry room and another was a large closet that Gage used as a coat and junk closet.

'round the corner near his bedroom door was the living room and the seldom used TV propped onto its place.

Gage headed over to the kitchen and let the door swing behind him as he went straight for the fridge, pulling out a carton of almond milk- Gage picked up a glass texasware bowl from a cupboard- Gage pulled down a box of honey bunches and dropped a good amount into the just two minutes, Gage was poised on his couch and weirdly enough....had the TV opened; even weirder- he clicked it onto E! channel and set to watching......Keeping up with the kardashians- he didn't know why...he had no idea why-

but then, he didn't have to question himself further for just then, the door bell ringed....Gage groaned out of laziness; he placed the bowl down on his coffee table and walked towards the hallways...he opened the coat closet door and pulled out a white bath robe, wrapped it around him and opened the door.

Gage gawked. "i-"

Katie Hayes stood there in a jean skirt and a tank top, carrying a very stirring look on her face.

" Gage," she purred, slowly bringing her hand down to her thighs and tugging up gently at her skirt. " are you going to let me in?"

Gage blinked. " Uh, yeah...yeah- com- yeah."

he moved out of the way and allowed her through and Gage shamefully found himself watching after her as she walked past him...he was seconds away from groveling and his little captain was seconds from waking up...

Gage closed the door with a snap. " Want anything? water? M- my cereal-"

Gage had briefly lost sight of Katie but as he rounded into the TV room- he found her sitting on the couch, his bowl in her hand and his spoon in her hand and her mouth munching away. he came over and sat next to her and looked at the TV.

" Oh, my god- i love this episode" Katie begin excitedly. " Kylie's in this one and she's like-"

Gage's mind danced away at her name and he wondered why...

He was only brought back into his head by the feeling of soft lips onto his own- blinking, Gage found Katie kissing him, he pulled back. " Are you drunk? Are you alright?"

Katie gave him a look then smiled. " No, Daddy."

Gage's.....captain stirred in it's sleep.

Katie placed herself onto his lap and resumed her lip-to-lip union with him once more and Gage who was quite confused pulled back to ask her just one more time if she was sure....for they both knew where this was headed and Gage wanted to be absolutely sure before his captain came alive and everything became too late.

About 10 minutes of making out, Katie's top came off...20 minutes into it, her skirt got thrown somewhere in the apartment

About 5 more minutes into it, The pair moved into the bedroom and even as he was closing the door, Gage knew his neighbors would be later complaining to him.

For if one were to face the facts, Gage knew what he was doing and looked hot while he was doing it.

The geek boy had quite a bit of....[let's say] game. Big game.

3:31 in the afternoon walked in Katie on her hands and knees, moaning her mouth off and Gage behind her.
This was the fifth round and neither Gage nor Katie were showing signs of being tired.

The pleasure seemed so intense For Katie that she kept begging Gage to slow down, but when he did...she begged him to go faster.

Several pumping love bites had appeared on Katie, courtesy of Gage; they were all over her neck and chest- especially her areolas- and traced down to her V- line and inner thighs

Before fully going into it, Gage had sucked Katie's soul out of her by use of her Kitty, and this damn near rendered her to putty.

Gage hadn't gotten off markless at all himself; his neck and upper jaw bore love bites and signs of light nibbles done by teeth, his curly hair was messed up and following his quick and deep strokes move for move, and his back bore red scratch marks of which Katie had Given to him when he'd put her in that Position where she had not had no choice but to take his captain and could only scratch at him to tell him to slow down...

By 5 o'clock, Gage collapsed next to Katie on the bed...he pulled his comforter over the pair of them and looked over at Katie.

" L-looks like...i-i did good coming here." She heaved out between heavy breaths. She lifted herself and advanced forward so she was Laying into Gage, her head on his shoulder as she looked up into his luminous hazel eyes.

" Yeah?" Gage smirked down at her, a one-sided smirk.

"Oh,Yeah." Katie purred and lifted her face forward to peck Gage's lips.

He wrapped his arm around her bare back to further the kiss and she climbed on top of him- making sure to keep the kiss going while the covers stuck to her sweaty petite body.

Katie felt like a cowgirl at a ranch and with both of his strong hands on her shapely waist....Gage approved of it all.

Katie threw her head back so majestically that her hair did a right arc in the air before landing onto her back and shoulders.

That night, Gage's phone rang several was bombarded by messages from about 5 different people...yet, with the phone sitting in the TV room with the abandoned cereal bowl and loudly blaring one picked up.

Gage was preoccupied at the moment...and he would be until late morning the next day....oh, yeah.

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