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"But sir, she-"

"That doesn't matter." LaBeau interrupted, pacing around Gage still the height of a fart. "What matters, Anderson, is that you once again made a fool of this hospital and this time, to a damn reporter!"

Gage said nothing; it was futile. The way LaBeau was currently going, it didn't seem like he'd even get the chance.

But for whatever it was, Gage had to admit that he'd fucked up, even if he couldn't quite tell how. He'd never seen LaBeau in a temper this high: jumping and pacing and slamming his little pushy squirrel hands on anything he could reach. Much to the office's owner's leveled annoyance.

"-and now all these publicity stunts and fake pregnant women in the damn hospital blocking the way for the real ones."

"But sir, there's just been the one."

LaBeau was on a roll and anything Gage said was just debris under his wheel.

"I should've known." He finally hissed, a little calmer. " I should've known a pretty boy with no brains like you would cause me trouble: operating with no authority or any license, punching out my best neurosurgeon, drama with the milk nurse, elevator mysteriously stopping on the floor you were last seen—not a doubt in my mind you had something to do with that, Anderson. Not one! That electrician is usually a blabber but he was surprisingly quiet with you and I've had it." LaBeau suddenly turned to Gage, his eyes wide, his puffy face set in fury as he pointed a stubby little finger at the intern before taking it away.  "I've had it, Anderson—in conclusion, you're fired!"

Gage's mouth dropped open, and his heart damn near followed stopped. The world started spinning and his vision blurred a second as he dropped his eyes. Then he heard Nash's little hum.


It was quiet for a moment, painfully quiet before LaBeau slowly turned his head towards the new arrivee on the conversation, veins pumping throughout his neck like giant sausages.

LaBeau stared at Nash for a few minutes, looking as if he was collecting himself well before speaking yet, the look on his face was cutty enough as it was without his next words. "Objection? Dr. Nash, this isn't judge Judy-"

"Perfectly aware of where I am, thank you chief of surgeries. Let's leave my manner of speech for another day. Now you say the intern is fired, I say nay." Nash adjusted her sitting at her desk as she spoke, furthering her air of nonchalance and confidence. "You can't do it."

"I can't!?" Labeau almost screamed.

"You can't."  Nash said simply, completely unbothered by LaBeau's rising temper.

"And why not, madame Nash?" LaBeau asked icily, his eyes narrowed, the veins in his neck pulsating more than ever now. "Why is it that cannot fire this clumsy little brat?"

"Well where to start? In each of those situations that you accuse him of being at fault in, I'm sure you'lol find plenty of witnesses to support that Anderson was always provoked. Second, Anderson is an intern not an employee, the college board that assigned him here has the right to remove him, not you. You can do nothing but send a angry letter or a voicemail."

Gage clutched his beating heart. Was everyone high today? Nash had already provided LaBeau with two surefire ways to have Gage removed and tossed from the hospital and perhaps from the college [Med school] and LaBeau who seemed to have realized this, gave a harsh drag of Laughter tantalizing enough to trigger Gage's old school habit when he became nervous; chewing the inside of his lips.

"Well then, " LaBeau begin with an air of triumph. "That is exactly what i shall do, matter of fact-"

LaBeau pulled out his phone and Gage's heart did a complete 180.

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