Coming out

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Hoisted far up into the third of a bedroom's wall was the youngest Jenner...

Her legs were wrapped around the waist of a tall, slender young man with bleached braids and a full lower lip. This lower lip and the upper lip united together to the much fuller lips of their attacker; Kylie.

Kylie was half naked with only the thin fabric of her lace Victoria secret panties covering her lowers and Travis glorified the room in his boxers...At this point, Their bodies should have been tangled up and so close that their sweat came out as one but it would seem not.

For the evermore growing baby bump prevented any closer contact. Usually, they would be so close together that Kylie's breast would be pressed far onto Travis' chest but it would seem that the bump wasn't having it....rejecting the contact more likely.

And so, to ease his lot, Travis gathered up his woman and carried her over to the bed.

He did not even wait for her to get settled but attacked her lips once more....then her breast which drove her absolutely crazy when he swirled his tongue about her lightly colored areolas...he paved kisses from there, over the bump and down the nether regions. The Scott male pulled off the lace barrier and his own boxers and he readied himself at her entrance.

He went back up to kiss her but then, as he was about to enter through- She placed her palms onto his chest and pushed him up gently...her eyes clashing with his.

Travis let out a heavy sigh at her next words. " Wait. Trav, Wait."

Pulling back, the darker male looked at her far under his eyelashes. " What now?"

For one who had been following this lot all along and seen the affair, The rapper's answer was quite appropriate for this indeed had not been the first time they'd halted mid through a hard boner and a drenched cat.

Kylie propped herself up onto her elbows to look at her lover and her hair conveniently fell to cover her breasts accordingly. " Should we be doing this right now?"

Frowning, Travis inquired. " What are you talking about?"

" I mean, I'm pregnant- should we be doing this?" Kylie shook her head in a 'Duh' type of way. " Is it safe for the baby?"

" The kid will be fine, my parents did all the time when 'Ma was pregnant." Travis dismissed.

But Kylie was not quite appeased by that at all and this showed on her face quite squarely. " Let's just make sure."

Running a hand over his face, Travis groaned...he was not amused. "What? Are you serious?"

Kylie sat up onto her bum and reached over to her nightstand for her electronic. " Yeah. let's call Gage and ask him."

" Who the fuck is GAGE?" Travis exclaimed, looking a bit put off. " Is that the Dude you went out with last time?"

Oh yeah, Kylie had told him about that before she'd gone out with him but even then, Travis felt somewhat annoyed about it and the way the media was shaping the story out to be truly was of no help.

Kylie nodded. " He's a baby doctor, he knows about this stuff- he's like a walking maternity textbook."

And as Kylie looked down to look for Gage's number in her contacts, Travis stood- his partner in crime still very much alive yet this was leaving as they spoke. " Are you serious right now?"

And his voice was quite loud...loud enough to command Kylie to look at him...but too late, eh? For the line had picked up.

" Jenner?"

Kylie opened her mouth to answer but was interrupted by an agonized scream on the other side and several other people talking.

"10 cm dilated, Dr. Anderson"

" Now Relax and Push, Mrs. Vanderbilt. Jenner, what's up?"

Travis rolled his eyes and begin to look for his boxers. He never had met this Gage but already he didn't like him and this feeling increased when he saw Kylie smile at his voice.

" Are you busy?" She asked.

Mrs. Vanderbilt screamed again and again and again.

" A Bit but go on, what's the matter?" Gage answered Kylie before his voice sounded out addressing another person. " Lin, another shot of Epidural- the standard measurement. Alexi,  my tools- there's too much blood here, this isn't normal."

Kylie on her side felt a bit silly for even calling Gage, what he was doing was way more important and here she was, about to ask him whether it was safe for her to get plowed.

" Jenner, you're going to talk?"

Travis had found his boxers and was pulling them on.

" So, Travis and I are wondering whether it's safe for the baby if we were to..." Kylie slowed down as Mrs. Vanderbilt let out another screech. " you know, have sex."

" Oh yeah, there are safe ways." Gage answered on the other side through the commotion. " Like prop a few pillows behind you to cushion your back...He's got to be extremely gentle too- Alexi, Scissors. Yeah, um, The Cowgirl position is recommended, side laying too"

Kylie's face had gotten quite felt a bit hot around her which was just back handed irony for the AC was cranked up quite high through the whole house.

" Yeah, any position will be fine as long as he doesn't BDSM you, cause you have the amniotic fluid protecting the kid and the muscles of the uterus are strong as hell too so the kiddie will be fine, be gentle. I have to go now, but I'll check in later."

The line went dead within a few seconds of Kylie saying goodbye and she sat there for a few...staring at his name in her contacts.

By the times she looked up in search for her Beau...Said beau had gone..for he no longer was in the room. Upon hearing the sounds from below, Kylie relaxed and just laid back onto the bed.

Down in the living room, Travis clicked on the TV; he had heard just enough to conclude that he'd been right the whole time yet he no longer felt like it...Kylie had killed the mood and ran it over like two or three times.

And as he continued to watch TV, Travis' captain begin to settle down for it and Travis both white liquid would be coming out that day.

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