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Hello hello

Tiny and brief acknowledging note; the picture above is Gage- gaze into his pretty eyes to your heart's content [lol] Happy reading!

By the way, have you guessed?

- Elderguard


"G-gage! Gage- oh my god..."

On the other line, Gage Anderson listened attentively, a half-eaten turkey club sandwich sitting in his hand suspended mid-air, mid-bite.

it was the 27th of January and Gage was at the testing center, taking the third part of the USMLE; understanding that he had to focus and keep himself from straying; Gage had studied and revised the day before and upon arriving at the testing center with Morossa- he'd handed the front proctor his phone, air pods, AND his watch- as he was suppose to.

This made quite the difference, for with his electronics gone, Gage's mind had no choice but to focus on the questions at hand and so Gage worked through the problems until they called the second break; he briefly debated skipping it as he had done with the first break but after realizing that his stomach had been screaming at him for hours now- he paused the test, walked outside, brought sandwiches for he and Morossa from the subway across the test center and took his break.

Excluding the very beginning, The month of January had been very good to Gage so far; he had cut down his swingy curls into a more tamed group and although, they still swung up and down with his every movement, they were now easier to wash and dried much faster.

Yet, Gage's hair grew quite fast so it came to be that by the third week after his cut, his hair at the front was already falling past his eyes and obscuring his vision so to help that, he wore a random bandana to the test so to limit the amount of time he would spend swiping his hair out of his eyes.

George was also scheduled to leave the hospital on the 31st of the month and Ginny had scored perfect As for all of her classes for her third semester and with Nash on maternity leave, Gage had gotten quite close with Yenory Morossa and so, the pair of them had decided to take the USMLE part 3 together on the same two days but now as he sat at a table facing Morossa, Gage found himself jonesing for a go on his phone.

Gage made the mistake of asking the proctor for his phone and now as he thought about it, he really shouldn't have for distraction then came at full pelt. Gage had only just picked up his phone out of the box when it had begun to ring; Morossa, who was quite busy with her own phone paid him no attention so he swiped green and answered.


The next thing he heard almost had him jump out of his seat and out of the doors again but he kept calm and kept in place. "Jenner, How are you?"

For she did not sound quite so sounded very much sick in fact...the flu kind of sick; her words her muffled, her nose sounded stuffy, and her voice quivered with her every word as if she was battling a wave of nausea..vomit...almost as if her throat sore.

"F-fine...I'm fine- how are you?" Kylie asked.

Gage breathed...he promised himself that he would not bring it up but when he opened his mouth, a different story filed out. "You mean after you left me at the hotel? Jolly Great."

For a moment, Gage heard no response...he heard nothing more than her breathing...and boy was she breathing hard...with this prolonged silence came guilt for Gage and so he found himself apologizing to Kylie.

"I-It's fine- i was j-just resting my eyes...ha-haven't been able to sleep much. Heartburns and shit." Kylie muttered out.

Gage made a face. " Heartburns? are you alright? what's wrong? gone to the Doctor's? Morossa's with me, if you want to talk to he-"

"No, thank you." Kylie refuse tartly and immediately after that, Gage was muted.

Gage pulled the phone from near his ear and watched the microphone icon until Kylie unmuted him, his patience running quite thin now.

"Sorry Gage, i- " Kylie sniffled.

"Why did you call me?" Gage questioned austerely as he stood and walked towards the garbage, he tossed his sandwich in- his appetite quite gone, for only Kylie could hobble his feelings, mood, mind flow, and appetite with her slightest act.

Seeming taken aback by Gage coldness, Kylie stuttered for a while before a shout came from her end of the line; Gage listened as sounds of pounding feet came closer and closer until all that he now heard were the voices of Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian.


"what does it say?"

"Are we aloud to say now? does he-"

" is it what we hoped?"

"NO! it's not- OMG, I"M SO HAPPY- we dodged a bullet"

it was mostly Kourtney doing the screaming while Kylie spoke to her in a very guarded dialogue that confused Gage to no end; Khloe meanwhile could be heard in the background, laughing her head off as she exclaimed that she was not even surprised.

Gage meanwhile stood next the dark, next to the garbage as he waved Morrossa to go on in without him...a few more people were still out for break so he would not be the only one heading back in a little late.

" Hey Jenner, i have to g-" But Gage's statement seemed to have fallen on deaf ears for a dry heaving sound met his ears before being then followed by the phone hitting the ground. Next things he heard made his stomach churn, yet he had no idea what it was or how to describe it properly but to say that it sounded like liquid on liquid.

Gage rolled his eyes and was about to hand up when the line picked up, Khloe Kardashian's voice punched Gage through the phone. "What's up, Little doctor?"

"Gage." The latter corrected, before going straight to the point, the people were starting to head back in. " What's up with Kylie?"

Khloe gave a long chuckle that made Gage's stomach churn. "she called you, she should tell you- she will, won't you Kyles? right after she's done v-"

Gage squeezed the bridge of his was important, he couldn't afford to screw around and fail again. "You want me to tell you khloe? I really don't have the time right now; I'm taking a really important exam right now, so i hope you and present company will excuse me but i have to-"

" NO! Gage don't go-" Kourtney called in the background as Khloe barked for Kourtney to stop trying to take the phone from her and go help Kylie.

Gage's left eyebrow danced as his patience ebbed away slowly, the last of the test takers were disappearing through the test room's door.


"What, little doctor?"

"Is Kylie okay?"

"Well yeah- but she-"

" Is it life and death?"

" It's certainly life-"

"Is it...Life or Death?"


" Then, tell Kylie I'll call tonight when i get home- gotta go, bye."

It was probably for the best that the revelation that next came that night at 11:12 had been postponed for if Gage had learned about it during the test, he would have never finished the would have rushed off to Calabasas in a hot panic and abandoned the test once more right there and then instead of heading off to Calabasas after finishing the test at 12:00 minutes after finding out.

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