Let me be cute

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We think Kylie Jenner is Pregnant and here's why-

" Ah Geez." Gage breathed as he made his way towards the kitchen to make himself a sandwich.

   Behind him, a small girl with bellowing curly brown hair, light Honey colored skin and heavy monolid brown eyes followed, her gold Iphone 7 Plus before her eyes as she read from the TMZ website of which has dropped an Article concerning Kylie Jenner.

"Ginny, for the love of god, shut up." Gage groaned as he pressed the toaster button and watched the blue number pop up on the small rectangular screen.
He jumped a little when the bread finally popped out.

Ginny looked up, and squinted her eyes at Gage giving him the impression that they were closed.

"Tell me and I will—is she pregnant?" Ginny asked.

Gage blinked. This was the girl that had all AP Classes?

"Who's baby is it?"

Now dragging the knife across his tongue to get the excess Mayo, Gage said. "Mine."

"So she is pregnant!"

"I don't know."

He migrated over to the fridge and opened it. He had no idea why he had decided to get up to his parents' house but he had and was now sorely regretting his decision and missing his quiet Apartment.

" Yes, you do," Ginny dropped her phone carelessly onto the counter and rounded it so that she was standing right beside Gage. " Come on. Come on. Come on."

Gage was now layering Relish atop of the heated pastrami. Done there, he flipped the free bread over the top and rounded the counter to sit down on one of the stools.

"Look Gin, What do you think I do?" He said, going to town on the sandwich with precision.

Ginny scrunched up her face as if thinking. " A Vaginacolo- something?"

Gage stared at her blankly. " ...Ginny, What?"

She smirked. "A vaginacologist— you spend your days looking up someone's Hoo-ha, right? No surprise though, I saw it coming. Soon as Mom found those Playboys under your bed in High school, I knew you grow up a professional pervert."

Gage drunk that in for a minute, and refusing to admit that it was funny, he instead chucked the fork at her. The tiny evil laughed and ducked, but Gage's aim was true and it hit her in her forehead.

Bad luck for Gage though, A woman walked through the swinging kitchen door just in time to see this unfold. "GAGE! DON'T YOU EVER LET ME CATCH YOU THROWING CUTLERIES AT YOUR SISTER LIKE THAT AGAIN!"  

Suddenly he was 16 again, he sure felt like it because A mother's tone never changed, nor did it fail. Pearl Anderson walked around the counter to get to her daughter, Knocking Gage over the head as she passed.

"Don't know what's gotten into you lot, always at the other's throat," Pearl vented. " George never gave this problem."

George Anderson was the eldest of the three, he'd come to the world about two years before Gage and Ginny, four years after.

That meant that for nearly five years, it had only been them two so Aye, Gage got along with him better. They'd been so close that after George's deployment overseas, Gage had shut himself down for the better part of three months.

"George liked me," Gage pouted. "Ginny called me a pervert."

"I was joking, Dipstack," roared the tiny Anderson while rubbing at her forehead. Unlike George and Gage, who'd taken darker skin tones, Ginny had taken their father's lighter one and that meant you  couldn't even blow on her without trouble; She bruised too easy.

And watching a red mark form round where she'd been struck made Gage feel bad, incredibly bad. So bad he split his sandwich with her and slipped her a twenty in the same breath.

" Forgiven and forgotten!"

Pearl Anderson went over to the sink. " Good, now that's what I like to see."

Gage watched as his mother pulled the chicken that she had set in water to defrost the night before, out of the water container and slash the bag with a knife. "Now How's work, baby?"

" Good-"

"He's treating Kylie Jenner, Mom!" Ginny jumped in as she sat onto another bar stool at Gage's shoulder and picking up her phone.

"From that show you watch? Kidding with the-"

"Keeping up! Keeping up with the Kardashians."

"Well shit, I must've birthed a genius—you're moving fas, Gage." Pearl Anderson turned to look at her second born.

Gage bit into his sandwich. " Yeah, Nash- my Proctor said that I'm doing so good that i might be certified like two months earlier than usual."

His mother congratulated him again and Gage ate.

It was quiet in the Anderson Kitchen for a while as the dark skinned older woman prepped the chicken for dinner as her children lost themselves into what she liked to call 'Dumb boxes'....their phones.

30 minutes into the comfortable Anderson silence, Ginny turned around in her seat and nudged Gage.    "Take me a picture, Here."

She offered Gage her phone.

"Why?" Gage licked the mayo off his thumb before taking the phone, noticing that it was set on the Snapchat Camera.

"So, I can be cute!" Ginny snapped before leaning over the counter and opening the sink and cupping a few drops of water and throwing it on her arm which along with her back was exposed due to the neck-tie shirt that she was wearing...the girl barely had any breast for it.

"Why'd you do that? The water?" Gage asked as he made a questioning face.

"So it can look like i just took a dip in the  pool," Ginny explained as she posed in a manner that Gage had never seen her done before; her face was set in a way that suggested something that Gage did not quite want to know.

"Why don't you just take a real dip in the real pool out back, lazy? And why do you wear shirts like that?" Gage questioned as he tapped a filter.

"Bro, can you just take the picture?" Ginny rolled her eyes.

" Careful, if you do that again- your eyes might get glued shut." Gage laughed.

Pearl Anderson looked up at her children as she splayed turmeric powder all over the chicken.

   And as she did so, she wondered just where her husband had been stationed for flight this day and if he would be home for dinner- or home at all.

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